The ship owner can kick passengers/gunners off the ship using the existing /kickFromShip command.
You can launch directly into space from atmospheric flight. Once the ship is above 6000m altitude, an "ENTER SPACE" button will be displayed on the pilot's HUD that will allow direct launch into the corresponding space zone. Clicking the button will display a popup menu to select the space zone's hyperspace point to launch to.
If the ship hits the terrain while flying, it will sustain damage proportionate to the ship's current mass and speed.
All forms of ship-to-ship PvP are available while in atmospheric flight - factional and privateer factional helper (/spacepvprebel, /spacepvpimperial, /spacefaction), player bounty system, guild war, guild squad PvP, duel.
Player bounty system and guild war exemption/exclusive status fall under the "space" ruleset while in atmospheric flight.