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Top level, dif/2 odd answer, exception uncaught #124

Closed UWN closed 1 year ago

UWN commented 1 year ago

l(X) :- dif(X,a),l(X).

?- l(X). % no reaction at all
?- catch(l(X), Pat,true).
ERROR: Stack limit (1.0Gb) exceeded % unexpected

9.1.5 `-f none` all defaults
JanWielemaker commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Should be fixed with SWI-Prolog/swipl-devel@8abc88ee5110007d4cd7a0457a24a1354bc05346. Caused by running into another exception while trying to print the exception because the logic to do the last emergency stack shift was broken. Pushed an additional commit that tries simple printing if print_message/2 runs into an exception, so at least something is printed.