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Generating a MacOS bundle using cmake/cpack #57

Closed JanWielemaker closed 5 years ago

JanWielemaker commented 5 years ago

I'm kind of stuck trying to get my head around generating a MacOSX bundle using the new cmake/cpack setup. There are so many different versions and conflicting advises that it just doesn't add up.

The hope is to use the cpack DragNDrop generator and end up with a .dmg that has roughly the same layout as the current one produced by various proprietary scripts (that I want to get rid of):

So far it insists on creating swipl-win.app rather than SWI-Prolog.app despite setting CPACK_BUNDLE_NAME and the swipl home components get installed in the root of the disc image, Qt doesn't get deployed, etc.

If anyone has some relevant experience and is willing to help ...

JanWielemaker commented 5 years ago

Eventually got something that is close. Icons are not properly set and the code creating the bundle is a bit weird mix using macdeployqt and a code fragments from the old app builder to fixup the dependencies of the dynamically loaded modules (Prolog foreign libraries).

Most of the code is in cmake/port/Darwin.cmake. If you think you can make this a little prettier, please take a look and suggest something better.