SWI-Prolog / swipl-devel

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Emacs crashes with segv when opening `library/clp/bounds.pl` in Emacs with sweep enabled #1188

Closed ncaq closed 1 year ago

ncaq commented 1 year ago


Emacs crashes with segv when opening library/clp/bounds.pl in Emacs with sweep enabled.

Reproduction procedure and error

sweep config

(leaf sweeprolog
  :doc "sweepを使う場合、SWI-Prologは手動でビルドする必要があります。
[SWI-Prolog -- Installation on Linux, *BSD (Unix)](https://www.swi-prolog.org/build/unix.html)"
  :ensure t
  :mode (("\\.plt?\\'" "\\.pro\\'" "\\.P\\'" "\\.prolog\\'") . language-detection-mode-switch)
  (defun sweeprolog-setup ()
    (flycheck-mode -1)
    (flymake-mode 1))
  :hook (sweeprolog-mode-hook . sweeprolog-setup)
  :bind (:sweeprolog-mode-map
         ("M-p" . nil)
         ("M-n" . nil)
         ("M-h" . nil)
         ("C-c C-z" . sweeprolog-top-level)))

All my init.el are available on GitHub.


error message

2023-08-07T07:42:31 ⬢ [Systemd] ❯ emacs library/clp/bounds.pl
Fatal error 11: Segmentation fault
zsh: segmentation fault  emacs library/clp/bounds.pl


OS and SWI-Prolog

~/Desktop/swipl-devel on  master [?] via △ v3.22.1 took 7s
2023-08-07T07:43:02 [✖  SEGV 139] ⬢ [Systemd] ❯ uname -a
Linux SSD0086 #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 02:56:13 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

~/Desktop/swipl-devel on  master [?] via △ v3.22.1
2023-08-07T07:47:22 ⬢ [Systemd] ❯ swipl --version
SWI-Prolog version 9.1.12 for x86_64-linux

Emacs(make report-emacs-bug)

In GNU Emacs 29.1.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
 3.24.33, cairo version 1.16.0) of 2023-07-31 built on SSD0086
Repository revision: 735f3700f6510608415fd647dc28c0332c11d011
Repository branch: emacs-29
Windowing system distributor 'Microsoft Corporation', version 11.0.12010000
System Description: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

Configured using:
 'configure --prefix=/usr/local/stow/emacs-29 --with-toolkit-scroll-bars
 --with-gif --with-jpeg --with-png --with-rsvg --with-tiff --with-xpm
 --with-imagemagick --with-xft --with-cairo --with-harfbuzz
 --with-xwidgets --without-compress-install --without-pop --with-modules
 --with-libgmp --with-native-compilation=aot --with-json --with-xml2
 --with-mailutils --with-gnutls --with-threads --with-zlib 'CFLAGS=-pipe
 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=native''

Configured features:

Important settings:
  value of $LANG: ja_JP.UTF8
  locale-coding-system: utf-8-unix

Major mode: ELisp/l

Minor modes in effect:
  rainbow-mode: t
  elisp-slime-nav-mode: t
  rainbow-delimiters-mode: t
  gcmh-mode: t
  pyvenv-mode: t
  treemacs-filewatch-mode: t
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  global-flycheck-mode: t
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  symbolword-mode: t
  editorconfig-mode: t
  auto-sudoedit-mode: 0
  envrc-global-mode: t
  global-git-gutter-mode: t
  global-whitespace-mode: t
  global-undo-tree-mode: t
  undo-tree-mode: t
  show-smartparens-global-mode: t
  show-smartparens-mode: t
  smartparens-global-mode: t
  smartparens-mode: t
  yas-global-mode: t
  yas-minor-mode: t
  company-posframe-mode: t
  company-quickhelp-mode: t
  company-quickhelp-local-mode: t
  global-company-mode: t
  company-mode: t
  helm-descbinds-mode: t
  helm-mode: t
  helm-minibuffer-history-mode: t
  shell-dirtrack-mode: t
  helm--remap-mouse-mode: t
  async-bytecomp-package-mode: t
  global-auto-revert-mode: t
  auto-image-file-mode: t
  save-place-mode: t
  desktop-save-mode: t
  savehist-mode: t
  recentf-remove-sudo-tramp-prefix-mode: t
  recentf-mode: t
  global-anzu-mode: t
  anzu-mode: t
  volatile-highlights-mode: t
  server-mode: t
  leaf-key-override-global-mode: t
  tooltip-mode: t
  global-eldoc-mode: t
  eldoc-mode: t
  show-paren-mode: t
  electric-indent-mode: t
  mouse-wheel-mode: t
  tool-bar-mode: t
  menu-bar-mode: t
  file-name-shadow-mode: t
  global-font-lock-mode: t
  font-lock-mode: t
  blink-cursor-mode: t
  line-number-mode: t
  transient-mark-mode: t
  auto-composition-mode: t
  auto-encryption-mode: t
  auto-compression-mode: t

Load-path shadows:
/home/ncaq/.emacs.d/elpa/transient-20230723.1411/transient hides /usr/local/stow/emacs-29/share/emacs/29.1.50/lisp/transient

(shadow sort mail-extr vc-hg vc-bzr mule-util helpful cc-langs trace
info-look elisp-refs emacsbug message yank-media rfc822 mml mml-sec epa
derived gnus-util mm-decode mm-bodies mm-encode mailabbrev gmm-utils
sendmail helm-command helm-elisp helm-eval edebug debug backtrace
add-log which-func helm-imenu rainbow-mode xterm-color elisp-slime-nav
rainbow-delimiters raku-detect winner tramp-cache time-stamp
tramp-archive tramp-gvfs dbus helm-x-files helm-for-files helm-bookmark
helm-adaptive helm-info treemacs-bookmarks treemacs-tags bookmark
helm-external helm-net xml gcmh reformatter lsp-pyright
highlight-indentation flymake-proc flymake help-fns elpy elpy-rpc pyvenv
elpy-shell elpy-profile elpy-django elpy-refactor smartparens-python
python compat treesit ido hideshow grep lsp-marksman dap-java dap-mode
dap-tasks dap-launch lsp-docker yaml dap-overlays lsp-java request
mailheader mail-utils lsp-treemacs lsp-treemacs-generic
lsp-treemacs-themes treemacs-treelib treemacs treemacs-header-line
treemacs-compatibility treemacs-mode treemacs-interface
treemacs-persistence treemacs-filewatch-mode treemacs-follow-mode
treemacs-rendering treemacs-annotations treemacs-async
treemacs-workspaces treemacs-dom treemacs-visuals
treemacs-fringe-indicator pulse treemacs-faces treemacs-icons
treemacs-scope treemacs-themes treemacs-core-utils pfuture hl-line
treemacs-logging treemacs-customization treemacs-macros lsp-mode
lsp-protocol spinner network-stream smartparens-markdown markdown-mode
noutline outline inline ewoc epg rfc6068 epg-config compile
text-property-search smartparens-c cc-mode cc-fonts cc-guess cc-menus
cc-cmds cc-styles cc-align cc-engine cc-vars cc-defs flycheck-package
package-lint let-alist imenu finder generic-x quickrun ht em-banner
eshell esh-mode esh-cmd esh-ext esh-opt esh-proc esh-io esh-arg
esh-module esh-groups esh-util flycheck find-func which-key
symbolword-mode point-undo ncaq-emacs-utils el-get-bundle editorconfig
editorconfig-core editorconfig-core-handle editorconfig-fnmatch
auto-sudoedit tramp-sh envrc inheritenv mozc-im mozc git-gutter
whitespace undo-tree diff queue smartparens-config smartparens-text
smartparens loadhist yasnippet-snippets yasnippet company-posframe
posframe company-quickhelp pos-tip company-oddmuse company-keywords
company-etags company-gtags company-dabbrev-code company-dabbrev
company-files company-clang company-capf company-cmake company-semantic
company-template company-bbdb company helm-ls-git vc-git diff-mode vc
vc-dispatcher helm-descbinds helm-mode helm-misc helm-files image-dired
image-dired-tags image-dired-external image-dired-util xdg image-mode
exif tramp tramp-loaddefs trampver tramp-integration files-x
tramp-compat shell pcomplete comint ansi-osc parse-time iso8601
time-date helm-buffers helm-occur helm-tags helm-locate helm-grep
helm-regexp format-spec ansi-color helm-utils helm-help helm-types helm
helm-global-bindings helm-easymenu helm-core easy-mmode async-bytecomp
helm-source helm-multi-match helm-lib async autorevert filenotify
image-file image-converter saveplace desktop frameset savehist
recentf-remove-sudo-tramp-prefix recentf tree-widget anzu thingatpt
blackout comp comp-cstr warnings etags fileloop generator xref project
advice volatile-highlights solarized-dark-theme solarized
solarized-faces color edmacro kmacro f f-shortdoc dash s server
exec-path-from-shell diminish hydra ring lv el-get el-get-autoloading
el-get-list-packages el-get-dependencies el-get-build el-get-status
el-get-methods el-get-fossil el-get-svn el-get-pacman el-get-github-zip
el-get-github-tar el-get-http-zip el-get-http-tar el-get-hg el-get-go
el-get-git-svn el-get-fink el-get-emacswiki el-get-http el-get-notify
el-get-emacsmirror el-get-github el-get-git url-http url-auth mail-parse
rfc2231 rfc2047 rfc2045 mm-util ietf-drums mail-prsvr url-gw nsm puny
el-get-elpa el-get-darcs el-get-cvs el-get-bzr el-get-brew
el-get-builtin el-get-apt-get el-get-recipes el-get-byte-compile
el-get-custom cl-extra help-mode el-get-core autoload loaddefs-gen
radix-tree lisp-mnt dired dired-loaddefs leaf-keywords leaf finder-inf
cus-edit pp cus-load icons wid-edit add-node-modules-path-autoloads
anzu-autoloads apache-mode-autoloads auto-sudoedit-autoloads
blackout-autoloads bnf-mode-autoloads ccls-autoloads
clang-format-autoloads company-dcd-autoloads company-posframe-autoloads
company-quickhelp-autoloads csv-mode-autoloads d-mode-autoloads
dfmt-autoloads diminish-autoloads docker-autoloads aio-autoloads
docker-compose-mode-autoloads dockerfile-mode-autoloads
dotenv-mode-autoloads dune-autoloads dune-format-autoloads
editorconfig-autoloads egison-mode-autoloads ein-autoloads
deferred-autoloads anaphora-autoloads el-get-autoloads
elisp-slime-nav-autoloads elm-mode-autoloads elpy-autoloads
company-autoloads envrc-autoloads exec-path-from-shell-autoloads
expand-region-autoloads flycheck-dmd-dub-autoloads
flycheck-package-autoloads flycheck-raku-autoloads flycheck-autoloads
forge-autoloads closql-autoloads emacsql-autoloads gcmh-autoloads
ghub-autoloads git-gutter-autoloads git-link-autoloads
git-modes-autoloads go-mode-autoloads google-this-autoloads
graphviz-dot-mode-autoloads groovy-mode-autoloads
helm-descbinds-autoloads helm-ls-git-autoloads helm-swoop-autoloads
helm-autoloads helm-core-autoloads async-autoloads helpful-autoloads
elisp-refs-autoloads highlight-indentation-autoloads
inheritenv-autoloads ivy-autoloads json-mode-autoloads
json-snatcher-autoloads julia-mode-autoloads
language-detection-autoloads leaf-convert-autoloads
leaf-keywords-autoloads leaf-autoloads leaf-tree-autoloads
imenu-list-autoloads lsp-haskell-autoloads haskell-mode-autoloads
lsp-java-autoloads dap-mode-autoloads lsp-docker-autoloads bui-autoloads
lsp-pyright-autoloads lsp-treemacs-autoloads lsp-ui-autoloads
lsp-mode-autoloads macrostep-autoloads magit-autoloads pcase
git-commit-autoloads magit-section-autoloads mediawiki-autoloads
mozc-im-autoloads mozc-autoloads multiple-cursors-autoloads
nginx-mode-autoloads package-lint-autoloads pipenv-autoloads
load-env-vars-autoloads pkg-info-autoloads epl-autoloads
plantuml-mode-autoloads poetry-autoloads polymode-autoloads
popup-autoloads popwin-autoloads pos-tip-autoloads powershell-autoloads
ppp-autoloads prettier-rc-autoloads prettier-js-autoloads
python-isort-autoloads pyvenv-autoloads quickrun-autoloads
rainbow-delimiters-autoloads rainbow-mode-autoloads raku-mode-autoloads
recentf-ext-autoloads recentf-remove-sudo-tramp-prefix-autoloads
reformatter-autoloads request-autoloads rg-autoloads
robots-txt-mode-autoloads rustic-autoloads markdown-mode-autoloads
rust-mode-autoloads sbt-mode-autoloads scala-mode-autoloads
shakespeare-mode-autoloads smart-jump-autoloads smartparens-autoloads
solarized-theme-autoloads spinner-autoloads ssh-config-mode-autoloads
string-inflection-autoloads sweeprolog-autoloads swift-mode-autoloads
symbolword-mode-autoloads f-autoloads systemd-autoloads
tablist-autoloads transient-autoloads treemacs-autoloads cfrs-autoloads
posframe-autoloads ht-autoloads hydra-autoloads lv-autoloads
pfuture-autoloads ace-window-autoloads avy-autoloads s-autoloads
dash-autoloads treepy-autoloads tuareg-autoloads rx caml-autoloads
undo-tree-autoloads queue-autoloads volatile-highlights-autoloads
web-mode-autoloads websocket-autoloads wfnames-autoloads wgrep-autoloads
which-key-autoloads with-editor-autoloads info compat-autoloads
xterm-color-autoloads yaml-autoloads yaml-mode-autoloads
yarn-mode-autoloads yasnippet-snippets-autoloads yasnippet-autoloads
package browse-url url url-proxy url-privacy url-expand url-methods
url-history url-cookie generate-lisp-file url-domsuf url-util mailcap
url-handlers url-parse auth-source cl-seq eieio eieio-core cl-macs
password-cache json subr-x map byte-opt gv bytecomp byte-compile
url-vars cl-loaddefs cl-lib japan-util rmc iso-transl tooltip cconv
eldoc paren electric uniquify ediff-hook vc-hooks lisp-float-type
elisp-mode mwheel term/x-win x-win term/common-win x-dnd tool-bar dnd
fontset image regexp-opt fringe tabulated-list replace newcomment
text-mode lisp-mode prog-mode register page tab-bar menu-bar rfn-eshadow
isearch easymenu timer select scroll-bar mouse jit-lock font-lock syntax
font-core term/tty-colors frame minibuffer nadvice seq simple cl-generic
indonesian philippine cham georgian utf-8-lang misc-lang vietnamese
tibetan thai tai-viet lao korean japanese eucjp-ms cp51932 hebrew greek
romanian slovak czech european ethiopic indian cyrillic chinese
composite emoji-zwj charscript charprop case-table epa-hook
jka-cmpr-hook help abbrev obarray oclosure cl-preloaded button loaddefs
theme-loaddefs faces cus-face macroexp files window text-properties
overlay sha1 md5 base64 format env code-pages mule custom widget keymap
hashtable-print-readable backquote threads xwidget-internal dbusbind
inotify lcms2 dynamic-setting system-font-setting font-render-setting
cairo move-toolbar gtk x-toolkit xinput2 x multi-tty
make-network-process native-compile emacs)

Memory information:
((conses 16 988221 535910)
 (symbols 48 80816 60)
 (strings 32 262509 89806)
 (string-bytes 1 7938126)
 (vectors 16 98757)
 (vector-slots 8 2657376 776303)
 (floats 8 837 2219)
 (intervals 56 9146 6507)
 (buffers 976 25))
eshelyaron commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the detailed report. I can't reproduce this with my setup though, so we'll need to investigate some more to understand what's going on. So a couple of questions:

  1. Do I understand correctly that you're running Emacs and SWI-Prolog in WSL?
  2. It looks like the crash occurs somewhere in the C-function pceResolveImplementation while Sweep is calling xref_source/2 to analyze the buffer. Do you see a similar crash if you invoke xref_source('.../clp/bounds.pl', [comments(store)]) in the regular swipl top level?
  3. Do you see a similar crash with other Prolog source files? Or is it only clp/bounds.pl? A quick look doesn't reveal anything out of the ordinary with this file, so I wonder why you see this crash with this file specifically.
  4. Does this also happen with a clean Emacs config? Namely, do you see this crash when you do emacs -Q -l .../sweeprolog.el .../clp/bounds.pl -f sweeprolog-mode?
ncaq commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your reply. If it is not reproduced in your environment, it seems that there is still a problem with the combination with my environment. I would like to help you share my environment condition.

Do I understand correctly that you're running Emacs and SWI-Prolog in WSL?


It looks like the crash occurs somewhere in the C-function pceResolveImplementation while Sweep is calling xref_source/2 to analyze the buffer. Do you see a similar crash if you invoke xref_source('.../clp/bounds.pl', [comments(store)]) in the regular swipl top level?


Do you see a similar crash with other Prolog source files? Or is it only clp/bounds.pl? A quick look doesn't reveal anything out of the ordinary with this file, so I wonder why you see this crash with this file specifically.

yes. I first reported it anyway because it crashed with this file. Most Prolog source code does not crash, but a few files do.

Does this also happen with a clean Emacs config? Namely, do you see this crash when you do emacs -Q -l .../sweeprolog.el .../clp/bounds.pl -f sweeprolog-mode?

yes. I put log.

~/Desktop/swipl-devel on  master [!?] via △ v3.22.1
2023-08-08T11:21:29 ⬢ [Systemd] ❯ emacs -Q -l ~/.emacs.d/elpa/sweeprolog-0.22.0/sweeprolog.el library/clp/bounds.pl -f sweeprolog-mode
Fatal error 11: Segmentation fault
zsh: segmentation fault  emacs -Q -l ~/.emacs.d/elpa/sweeprolog-0.22.0/sweeprolog.el  -f
eshelyaron commented 1 year ago

Do you see a similar crash if you invoke xref_source('.../clp/bounds.pl', [comments(store)]) in the regular swipl top level?


Hmm so just to be clear, you do get a segfault when swipl is running standalone, outside of Emacs?

The stack trace looked familiar so I dug a bit and found a very similar crash that @JanWielemaker reported to me privately. We never really got to the bottom of it because the issue went away once Jan installed another version of Emacs. Can you please share how you've installed Emacs and SWI-Prolog?

ncaq commented 1 year ago

Emacs is an older version that comes in using Ubuntu's apt, so I built a STABLE version. The build branch is emacs-29 and the commit hash is ef8838c3a5f041769f72758b831eb3fa7a130fb9.

Paste the command you used to build.

. /configure --prefix=/usr/local/stow/emacs-29 --with-toolkit-scroll-bars --with-gif --with-jpeg --with-png --with-rsvg --with-tiff --with- xpm --with-imagemagick --with-xft --with-cairo --with-harfbuzz --with-xwidgets --with-out-compress-install --with-out-pop --with-modules with-libgmp --with-native-compilation=aot --with-json --with-xml2 --with-mailutils --with-gnutls --with-threads --with-zlib CFLAGS="-pipe - O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=native"
make -j $(nproc)
sudo make install

For SWI-Prolog, since sweep-module.so does not fit in Ubuntu's apt, I built swi-devel here too. The build branch is master and the commit hash is 7e6f7de02ccb3ba0b45af7ca4900ee8f9d2d81ce.

Paste the commands used for the build.

cd swipl-devel
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/.local/ -G Ninja .
ctest -j 4
ninja install

From https://www.swi-prolog.org/build/unix.html, The prefix of the cmake command is modified so that the SWI-Prolog command goes into ~/.local/bin/.

ncaq commented 1 year ago

Hmm so just to be clear, you do get a segfault when swipl is running standalone, outside of Emacs?


It looks like the crash occurs somewhere in the C-function pceResolveImplementation while Sweep is calling xref_source/2 to analyze the buffer. Do you see a similar crash if you invoke xref_source('.../clp/bounds.pl', [comments(store)]) in the regular swipl top level?


In regards to this reply, since you wrote top level, I assumed you meant (sweeprolog-top-level) and was running it in Emacs. When I ran it from the command line zsh with the swipl command, it did not crash as shown below.

? - xref_source('library/clp/bounds.pl', [comments(store)]).
eshelyaron commented 1 year ago

Great, I was able to reproduce this crash after building Emacs with the configuration options you provided. I'll investigate further and let you know how it goes.

eshelyaron commented 1 year ago

Alright I'm getting somewhere: It seems that the crash is caused by some bad interaction between XPCE and Emacs's optional Xwidgets feature. If you build Emacs without Xwidgets (remove --with-xwidgets from your ./configure arguments) everything should work well. Could you please try that and see if it solves this issue for you?

I'll try to get to the bottom of this collision between Xwidgets and XPCE. If I can't figure it out in the next few days, I'll include a workaround in the next version of Sweep to disable XPCE when Xwidgets are enabled.

JanWielemaker commented 1 year ago

I see. That might get tricky. I think we'll have two subsystems trying to connect to X11, where xpce does so from a background thread. That is likely to fail :cry: You can disable xpce from starting a thread using

 set_prolog_flag(xpce_threaded, false).

XPCE can also be initialized to use an existing X11 event loop. I'd have to dig a little in my mind to figure that out. If I recall correctly you can both tell it to reuse an existing connection and ask it which connection it uses such that that can be reused by other components.

eshelyaron commented 1 year ago

Thanks Jan, that makes sense. The workaround I had in mind is to initialize Prolog with --pce=false if we detect that Emacs is built with Xwidgets. That seems to work fine at the cost of not being able to start XPCE from within the embedded SWI-Prolog. That's not perfect but surely beats getting a segfault. What do you think? Of course, if we can make XPCE play together with Xwidgets, that'd be even better :)

JanWielemaker commented 1 year ago

I'm actually not so sure it makes sense. The emacs I have is an X11 application making an x11 window and xpce runs just fine in that. I wonder how this is possible. It is emacs 28.2, configured using

 ./config.status --config
 '--with-native-compilation' 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/janw/lib/pkgconfig'

I was talking about the X11 connection. Also crashing while resolving a method seems to indicate another issue than some X11 interaction. Are there any earlier warnings from Prolog/xpce?

eshelyaron commented 1 year ago

Hmm right, here too I'm running Emacs as an X11 application. It's just Xwidgets that seem to cause problems...

Are there any earlier warnings from Prolog/xpce?

No, none :(

JanWielemaker commented 1 year ago

Compile in debug mode and generate a proper stack trace using gdb? Its a long shot, but possibly we are dealing with a symbol-name conflict and xpce picks up some symbol from Xwidgets rather than using its own? You could use LD_PRELOAD to inject xpce2pl.so first into the process? If it is a conflict that probably also causes problems, but most likely elsewhere.

eshelyaron commented 1 year ago

Compile in debug mode and generate a proper stack trace using gdb? Its a long shot, but possibly we are dealing with a symbol-name conflict and xpce picks up some symbol from Xwidgets rather than using its own?

Yeah, gdb gives some more details: the crash happens at line 348 in swipl-devel/packages/xpce/src/ker/passing.c. Namely, this onFlag(obj, F_ACTIVE|F_ATTRIBUTE|F_SENDMETHOD|F_GETMETHOD) happens to be a NULL derefernence because obj is NULL at this point. That means that the previous answerObject(ClassNumber, obj, EAV) call, a couple of lines before, returned NULL. I'm still not totally sure what to make of it... trying to inject xpce2pl.so with LD_PRELOAD didn't cause a crash right away, neither could I get it to crash by playing around with Xwidgets.

eshelyaron commented 1 year ago

Actually, it's not that answerObject returns NULL, I wasn't reading the code correctly, sorry about that. What happens is that resolveImplementationGoal is called with an argument g that has a NULL g->receiver, and obj is set to that.

Thread 1 "emacs" hit Breakpoint 1, resolveImplementationGoal (g=0x7ffffffeff90)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/packages/xpce/src/ker/passing.c:341
341   Any obj = g->receiver;
(gdb) p g->receiver
$12 = (Any) 0x0
(gdb) bt
#0  resolveImplementationGoal (g=0x7ffffffeff90)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/packages/xpce/src/ker/passing.c:341
#1  0x00007fffd5324205 in pceResolveImplementation (g=0x7ffffffeff90)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/packages/xpce/src/ker/passing.c:450
#2  0x00007fffd532661c in vm_send
    (receiver=0x0, selector=0x7fffd54b71c0 <builtin_names+57760>, class=0x0, argc=1, argv=0x7fffffff00c8)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/packages/xpce/src/ker/passing.c:1052
#3  0x00007fffd530f2ed in pceSend
    (receiver=0x0, classname=0x0, selector=0x7fffd54b71c0 <builtin_names+57760>, argc=1, argv=0x7fffffff00c8)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/packages/xpce/src/itf/interface.c:588
#4  0x00007fffd54113df in pl_pce_init (Home=859, AppDir=860)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/packages/xpce/swipl/interface.c:3361
#5  0x00007fffd5a4fd1e in PL_next_solution___LD (__PL_ld=0x7fffd5ca90e0 <PL_local_data>, qid=0x555556c9f910)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/src/pl-vmi.c:4670
#6  0x00007fffd5ae3dcd in callProlog (module=0x55555790c4e0, goal=716, flags=4, ex=0x0)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/src/pl-pro.c:462
#7  0x00007fffd5b2c16b in loadStatement___LD
    (__PL_ld=0x7fffd5ca90e0 <PL_local_data>, state=0x7fffffff4af0, c=68, skip=0)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/src/pl-wic.c:1112
#8  0x00007fffd5b31235 in loadPart___LD
    (__PL_ld=0x7fffd5ca90e0 <PL_local_data>, state=0x7fffffff4af0, module=0x0, skip=0)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/src/pl-wic.c:1954
#9  0x00007fffd5b2c22d in loadStatement___LD
    (__PL_ld=0x7fffd5ca90e0 <PL_local_data>, state=0x7fffffff4af0, c=81, skip=0)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/src/pl-wic.c:1135
#10 0x00007fffd5b31235 in loadPart___LD
    (__PL_ld=0x7fffd5ca90e0 <PL_local_data>, state=0x7fffffff4af0, module=0x7fffffff4b78, skip=0)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/src/pl-wic.c:1954
#11 0x00007fffd5b37e34 in qlfLoad___LD
    (__PL_ld=0x7fffd5ca90e0 <PL_local_data>, state=0x7fffffff4af0, module=0x7fffffff4b78)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/src/pl-wic.c:3580
#12 0x00007fffd5b38cd3 in pl_qlf_load2_va (PL__t0=703, PL__ac=2, PL__ctx=0x7fffffff4bf0)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/src/pl-wic.c:3874
#13 0x00007fffd5a4fbe5 in PL_next_solution___LD (__PL_ld=0x7fffd5ca90e0 <PL_local_data>, qid=0x555557d21870)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/src/pl-vmi.c:4641
#14 0x00007fffd5ae3dcd in callProlog (module=0x555556f2dd00, goal=487, flags=16, ex=0x0)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/src/pl-pro.c:462
#15 0x00007fffd5ae3a54 in pl_sig_atomic1_va (PL__t0=487, PL__ac=1, PL__ctx=0x7fffffff81f0)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/src/pl-pro.c:360
#16 0x00007fffd5a4fbe5 in PL_next_solution___LD (__PL_ld=0x7fffd5ca90e0 <PL_local_data>, qid=0x555557d84020)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/src/pl-vmi.c:4641
#17 0x00007fffd5a3997d in PL_next_solution (qid=0x555557d84020)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/src/pl-wam.c:3174
#18 0x00007fffd5d4e4d4 in sweep_next_solution (env=0x7fffffffb790, nargs=0, args=0x0, data=0x0)
    at /home/eshel/checkouts/swipl-devel/packages/sweep/sweep.c:417
JanWielemaker commented 1 year ago

This surely indicates something that is pretty much unrelated to X11 itself is bothering the system.

I'm still not totally sure what to make of it... trying to inject xpce2pl.so with LD_PRELOAD didn't cause a crash right away, neither could I get it to crash by playing around with Xwidgets.

Are you saying all works fine if you inject this file at the start, i.e., Xwidgets and sweep? If that is the case, it is likely that xpce uses a symbol from Xwidgets that causes it is misbehave and what you tried with Xwidgets isn't fatally affected by it now (probably) using this symbol from xpce. Could be that your test didn't use that symbol or somehow it doesn't matter too much.

If that is the case, the next step is to figure out what symbol may be causing this. I think that is not so hard. Use ldd on emacs to figure out the extra .so file(s) due to including Xwidgets are. Run nm -D on them to get their dynamic loading symbol table. Do the same for pl2xpce.so and see whether there are overlapping symbols. This gets the exports for me:

 nm -D packages/xpce/pl2xpce.so  | grep -vw U | awk '{print $3}'

That said, it also seems xpce doesn't get the linking flags set properly. It should, like e.g. libswipl.so, only have the public API functions in the dynamic symbol table. Similar problems seem to be the case for other plugins that consist of multiple C modules.

JanWielemaker commented 1 year ago

We could also use RTLD_DEEPBIND to the dlopen() call. See man dlopen I see there are some more new options to dlopen() that might be worth supporting :smile: One is RTLD_NOLOAD | RTLD_GLOBAL that would allow Prolog to make its own symbols global, so it can load plugins even if it was originally loaded with RTLD_LOCAL. That could also fix our issues with older Emacs versions :smile:

eshelyaron commented 1 year ago

Are you saying all works fine if you inject this file at the start, i.e., Xwidgets and sweep?

No, after injecting pl2xpce.so Xwidgets works fine, but if I also try to load and use Sweep, then Emacs crashes just as it did before.

If that is the case, the next step is to figure out what symbol may be causing this. I think that is not so hard.

I'll give it a try :)

JanWielemaker commented 1 year ago

No, after injecting pl2xpce.so Xwidgets works fine, but if I also try to use load and use Sweep, then Emacs crashes just as it did before.

That suggests I'm barking against the wrong tree. Still, I see few options other options for the interaction. You could also preload the Xwidgets .so into Prolog without sweep and see whether that causes xpce to misbehave?

JanWielemaker commented 1 year ago

Pushed 423863948d3ff622b5079bf68bd35c41ded24601 which allows for

:- use_foreign_library(..., [deepbind(true)]).

That allows for some more experiments. Might not be something to use often, but it can resolve special cases :smile:

eshelyaron commented 1 year ago

When Emacs is built with --with-xwidgets, it links to libwebkit2gtk-4.1.so. All of the symbols that this library export are prefixed with webkit_, so no overlap with symbols from pl2xpce.so. Also, injecting that .so to swipl with LD_PRELOAD doesn't cause any problems for starting XPCE. But --with-xwidgets has further effects when building Emacs, there's an extra object file xwidget.o that Emacs links (statically) and there are a bunch of #ifdef HAVE_XWIDGETS directives throughout the source code, so the interaction might be more complicated.

Also, adding the new deepbind(true) option to the use_foreign_library call in init_pce does avoid this crash!

JanWielemaker commented 1 year ago

Also, adding the new deepbind(true) option to the use_foreign_library call in init_pce does avoid this crash!

Great. So, it is a symbol issue, but apparently not with libwebkit2gtk-4.1.so. I'll need to think a bit about this. I think the best solution is to fix the link options of the packages. I don't know what the implication of using the deepbind option are.

Thanks for your time. You may get another testing request, but probably not before Friday.

ncaq commented 1 year ago

Anyway, I'm happy to report that removing --with-xwidgets from the compile options stopped the crash in our environment as well. Thanks for investigating and providing the workaround.

JanWielemaker commented 1 year ago

Pushed some patches that hides the symbols of all plugins except for the module install and uninstall hooks. This should avoid almost any name conflict. The only shared symbols are now the public Prolog API (PL and S) and the plugin `install()anduninstall_()`.

And, for @eshelyaron, the sweep symbols to claim GPL compliance and the emacs module init :smile:

Please check and close when done.

eshelyaron commented 1 year ago

Pushed some patches that hides the symbols of all plugins except for the module install and uninstall hooks. This should avoid almost any name conflict

That seems to solve this XPCE/Xwidgets collision, thank you Jan!

JanWielemaker commented 1 year ago

Great. Thanks for testing.

ncaq commented 1 year ago

I also checked the operation. No more crashes. Thanks for the fix!