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set_prolog_flag sometimes has no effect #27

Open triska opened 8 years ago

triska commented 8 years ago

When I create an empty SWISH program and insert:

:- use_module(library(clpb)).
:- set_prolog_flag(clpb_residuals, bdd).

then everything works exactly as expected: Posting a query like ?- sat(X+Y). emits a BDD.

I then want to get back the default behaviour of library(clpb) and change the atom bdd to default, i.e., let the program consist of:

:- use_module(library(clpb)).
:- set_prolog_flag(clpb_residuals, default).

The flag seems to be correctly set as expected, which I can verify in the SWISH "toplevel":

?- current_prolog_flag(clpb_residuals, X).
X = default

However, posting a query like sat(X+Y) still emits a BDD:

?- sat(X+Y).
clpb : '$clpb_bdd'([node(2)-(v(X, 0)->true;node(1)), node(1)-(v(Y, 1)->true;false)])

The analogous interaction works exactly as intended on the normal toplevel:

?- [library(clpb)].

?- set_prolog_flag(clpb_residuals, bdd).

?- sat(X+Y).
clpb:'$clpb_bdd'([node(2)- (v(X, 0)->true;node(1)), node(1)- (v(Y, 1)->true;false)]).

?- set_prolog_flag(clpb_residuals, default).

?- sat(X+Y).

This is connected to #25.

JanWielemaker commented 8 years ago

Yip. This is because the toplevel answer preparation is not happening in the Pengine that computes the answer, but in the HTTP infrastructure around it, while flags are thread-specific. Your schema computing the BDD from the residual goals could in theory work. I see some remarks on the performance of this. How serious is this?

The alternative might be to do the copy_term/3 in '$swish wrapper'/2. That smells a little hacky too.

triska commented 8 years ago

I managed to get the drawing of the BDD working from "normal" sat/1 residuals, using the new varsnumbers_names/3. Please see the repository.

However, I still need a way for users to set clpb_residuals to bdd in SWISH in such a way that it affects library(clpb). This is because the projection from BDDs to sat/1 residuals (!) that is done by library(clpb) can be extremely costly. As a simple test case, please try the easy looking CLP(B) goal:

?- length(Ls, 20), sat(card([4],Ls)).

Almost all the time in this case is spent in the projection to sat/1 goals! The BDD is actually quite straight-forward, and can be easily shown with graphviz. You can see the BDD with:

?- set_prolog_flag(clpb_residuals, bdd).
?- length(Ls, 20), sat(card([4],Ls)).
Ls = ...
clpb:'$clpb_bdd'([node(83)- (v(_G6802, 0)->node(82); ...)

I have written the renderer in such a way that both kinds of residual goals are rendered correctly. But in many cases, we cannot afford to let CLP(B) produce sat/1 goals first. Instead, we need to circumvent the projection by setting this flag, which is the reason it is there in the first place.

Note that when working on the default sat/1 goals, the renderer currently has to do the work that CLP(B) has already done again: CLP(B) processes sat/1 constraints, creates BDDs, then shows (often heavily simplified) sat/1 residuals (sometimes a very costly projection!), then the renderer sees the sat/1 residuals, posts them again, asks CLP(B) for the BDD representation, and then shows the BDD. This overhead is often perfectly acceptable, because if CLP(B) has managed to distill a reasonable sat/1 representation of the BDD, then it will also happily process it again.

So, normally, the default sat/1 goals are OK and even preferred. In precisely the slow cases though, we need to rely on the BDD representation throughout, and do not try a single projection to sat/1 goals.

JanWielemaker commented 8 years ago

I see. Well, SWISH has, due to its multi-user and threading aspects, some limitations, but also provides some opportunities. What about this (for swish)

This provides a nice picture by default and the expensive-to-compute sat/1 on request.

Note that we can also present a single renderer with which we register the BDD and which just provides an indication of the residual and allows the user to select a rendering (or not if s/he is not interested). We can also spend a short time in the renderer to compute the sat/1 representation and display the result if cheap and provide a link/button otherwise.

triska commented 8 years ago

Is there any way to make the clpb_residuals flag work like on the normal Prolog toplevel also in SWISH? If that is possible, I would strongly prefer this over other workarounds. Here are a few good reasons:

Is there any way to let users set the clpb_residual flag in SWISH programs, so that SWISH behaves more like the normal Prolog toplevel? I notice for example that setting clpfd_monotonic to true works as expected in SWISH and affects CLP(FD) programs in the intended way. Allowing users to set such flags specific to their own programs is also likely to become even more important in the future, for example in connection with double_quotes set to chars.

JanWielemaker commented 8 years ago

Is there any way to make the clpb_residuals flag work like on the normal Prolog toplevel also in SWISH?

As I tried to explain, this is hard. Pengines are about computing answers. They transfer the answer, in this case as a variable with attributes to the client. The rendering of answers in a human digestible way is part of SWISH. It happens at the client side (with respect to the Pengine; it still runs on the server process), which cannot be aware of flags in the server as there are no provisions to talk to the server and in the normal scenario the server is gone if there are no more solutions.

So, setting Prolog flags to influence rendering is a no-go. It would require a different interaction between client and Pengine which might be interesting for some SWISH UI scenarios, but would break (or at least ask for more kludges) for the scenario where a SWISH server is used as a generic API to a data collection. That is a pretty important use case that currently pays my bills.

So, I fear the realistic way out is a residual representation that is fixed (at least in SWISH) and allows to do the renderer whatever it needs to do. Note that it is not a problem to have the clpb renderer always loaded as long as you use terms that are sufficiently unique. You could make the clpb residual generation hookable instead of using a flag, so the renderer module can create the term it wants to see.

An alternative might be that the answer is defined not to be just a set of variable bindings using general Prolog values (including constraints), but is in general the combination of a set of variable bindings without attributes and residual goals. That would not break the overall design, but I fear it will require incompatible changes to the Pengine API. I'll need to think about that route.

triska commented 8 years ago

I think the last route is best, also for future uses. Please do think about this. I will also think about the extension approach. Currently, I have severe doubts about it. I only want to briefly summarize what I need and expect from the rendering interface and the interaction between renderers and constraint libraries, not as a completely stringent argument, but just a sketch of the things that are involved already in the CLP(B) case, and possibly even more so in future applications. For the sake of concreteness, I write this with the focus on CLP(B):