[x] Find closest simulation(s)
Can be useful to compare the best found fit results to an actual run that is close by. Makes it important that each data-value has its simulation number attached. DONE
[x] Crosschecks
Always good to be able to check whether the emulator has converged even when keeping one out. If this is done smartly we can also use this functionality to have a cross-likelihood which may be better for hyperparameter estimation then the standard george one. I already have code for this one. Also makes it important that each data-value has its simulation number attached.
[x] Find a way to get realistic errors on the emulator, possibly by sampling the hyperparameter space
Most difficult one, there is some george documentation surrounding this. The base errors are not a good representation and there should be a way to better convey how sure the emulator is. DONE
[x] Add a way to visualise the likelihoods for the hyperparameters DONE
[x] Latin Hypercube (LH) creation + visualisation to check how good it fills the volume
[x] Possible direct interface with SWIFT to be able to set up and run a LH suite and load the data
Small to do list for non-base features: