SWIFTSIM / swiftsimio

Python library for reading SWIFT data. Uses unyt and h5py.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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User input using custom yt units can trigger silent incorrect unit conversions (e.g. in spatial masking) #173

Open kyleaoman opened 8 months ago

kyleaoman commented 8 months ago

I've run into a conflict with custom yt units that are aware of comoving/physical conversions. This came up in the context of caesar, here's a minimal example (you need a caesar output at z>0 to conceptually reproduce this, the last line assumes z=1).

import unyt as u
from swiftsimio import *
from yt.units.yt_array import YTArray, UnitRegistry

caesar_file = 's12.5n128_0012.hdf5'  # just to get an example unit registry, note that this is a z=1.0 output
with h5py.File(caesar_file, 'r') as f:
    registry = UnitRegistry.from_json(f.attrs["unit_registry_json"])

cosmo_array([0.8], u.Mpc, comoving=True, cosmo_factor=cosmo_factor(a**1, scale_factor=0.5)) > YTArray([1], 'Mpccm', registry)  # True (!!), but issues a warning about missing cosmo_factors

This is acceptable because there's a warning (I added that in at some point when working on the cosmo_array source code). However things can get worse, for instance if I try to define a mask region from something in this system of units, I get nonsense because internally there's a comparison to a unyt_quantity or unyt_array rather than a cosmo_array, which triggers a conversion of the YTAarray into physical units.

import unyt as u
from swiftsimio import *
from yt.units.yt_array import YTArray, UnitRegistry

s = 'simba_s12.5n128_0012.hdf5'
caesar_file = 's12.5n128_0012.hdf5'
m = mask(s)
b = m.metadata.boxsize[0].to_value(u.Mpc)  # raw float
with h5py.File(caesar_file, 'r') as f:
    registry = UnitRegistry.from_json(f.attrs["unit_registry_json"])

# what we expect:
region = u.unyt_array([[0, 0.49*b], [0, 0.49*b], [0, 0.49*b]], u.Mpc)
print(m.cell_mask.sum(), m.cell_mask.size)  # 512 4096, i.e. an octant

# what we get:
yt_region = YTArray([[0, 0.49*b], [0, 0.49*b], [0, 0.49*b]], 'Mpccm', registry)
print(m.cell_mask.sum(), m.cell_mask.size)  # 64 4096, i.e. shrunk by a factor of (1+z)**3

I'm pretty sure that this is pretty much a symptom of #128, so we should really fix that at some point - might be enough to close this to since then at least people would get a warning. In the meantime thought I'd put this up as a signpost for anyone running into similar issues.