SWotherspoon / BAStag

Basic data processing for British Antarctic Survey archival tags.
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document the X11 Xlib thingo #4

Open mdsumner opened 8 years ago

mdsumner commented 8 years ago

We've seen this:

# http://ornithologyexchange.org/forums/topic/28015-bastag-flightr-mac-osx/
wl<-preprocessLight(d.lux, threshold, offset = offset,lmax=12)

Error in setGraphicsEventEnv(which, as.environment(list(...))) : 
  this graphics device does not support event handling

# I am using Mac OS X 10.11.3 El Capitan, R version 3.2.4 Very Secure Dishes

Workaround is

# try opening the graphics window first with
X11(type = "Xlib")