DSTAGNN: Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Aware Graph Neural Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting, which is accepted at ICML2022.
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How do you deal with the invalid value when generate data? #1

Open zbliu98 opened 2 years ago

zbliu98 commented 2 years ago


WYH1597650862 commented 2 years ago


I also have the same question ,have you solve it?

Schwaldlander commented 2 years ago

I also have this similar problem running python

Schwaldlander commented 2 years ago

I just overcame this problem:

A_eq = np.array(A_eq).astype(np.float)#added b_eq = np.concatenate([p, q]) D = np.array(D).astype(np.float)#added since b_eq is float type, while A_eq and D are int type, there exists a discrepancy.

NoahWangc commented 2 years ago

I just overcame this problem:

A_eq = np.array(A_eq).astype(np.float)#added b_eq = np.concatenate([p, q]) D = np.array(D).astype(np.float)#added since b_eq is float type, while A_eq and D are int type, there exists a discrepancy.

This error still appears after the modification according to your method. Have you made any other modifications?looking forward to your reply.

Schwaldlander commented 2 years ago

Try using np.nan_to_num

hanshirong commented 1 year ago

我刚刚克服了这个问题: A_eq = np.array(A_eq).astype(np.float)#added b_eq = np.concatenate([p, q]) D = np.array(D).astype(np.float)#added由于 b_eq 是 float 类型,而 A_eq 和 D 是 int 类型,因此存在差异。



WYH1597650862 commented 1 year ago

我刚刚克服了这个问题: A_eq = np.array(A_eq).astype(np.float)#added b_eq = np.concatenate([p, q]) D = np.array(D).astype(np.float)#added由于 b_eq 是 float 类型,而 A_eq 和 D 是 int 类型,因此存在差异。


尝试通过上述方式更改代码,也不成解决这个问题,不知道您现在是否解决了这个问题,期待您的回复。 [Schwaldlander] has replied. Try using np.nan_to_num

hanshirong commented 1 year ago

我刚刚克服了这个问题: A_eq = np.array(A_eq).astype(np.float)#added b_eq = np.concatenate([p, q]) D = np.array(D).astype(np.float)#added由于 b_eq 是 float 类型,而 A_eq 和 D 是 int 类型,因此存在差异。


尝试通过上述方式更改代码,也不成解决这个问题,不知道您现在是否解决了这个问题,期待您的回复。 [Schwaldlander] has replied. Try using np.nan_to_num

thanks, i have solved this question.

StevDL-gif commented 1 year ago

Where should I apply this method using np.nan_to_num

limengran98 commented 1 year ago

np.nan_to_num I added the following two lines at line 27 of the source code to solve this problem: np.nan_to_num(A_eq, copy=False, nan=0.0, posinf=None, neginf=None) np.nan_to_num(D, copy=False, nan=0.0, posinf=None, neginf=None)

wy123go commented 1 year ago


zhoujiajuly commented 1 year ago

我刚刚克服了这个问题: A_eq = np.array(A_eq).astype(np.float)#added b_eq = np.concatenate([p, q]) D = np.array(D).astype(np.float)#added由于 b_eq 是 float 类型,而 A_eq 和 D 是 int 类型,因此存在差异。



请问您是如何解决的 我也正在被这个问题困扰

sunqiqi123456 commented 3 months ago

np.nan_to_num I added the following two lines at line 27 of the source code to solve this problem: np.nan_to_num(A_eq, copy=False, nan=0.0, posinf=None, neginf=None) np.nan_to_num(D, copy=False, nan=0.0, posinf=None, neginf=None)

np.nan_to_num I added the following two lines at line 27 of the source code to solve this problem: np.nan_to_num(A_eq, copy=False, nan=0.0, posinf=None, neginf=None) np.nan_to_num(D, copy=False, nan=0.0, posinf=None, neginf=None)

I also have sloved the problem through this method,thanks a lot~