SYP-AHIF-2023-24-25 / SolarDoc

SolarDoc for creating beautiful presentations with your colleagues in your browser using AsciiDoc 🌌✨
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Implement resource files which can be referenced in the primary Asciidoc file #178

Open Luna-Klatzer opened 3 months ago

Luna-Klatzer commented 3 months ago

Implement resource files which can be referenced in the primary Asciidoc file, such as CSS files.

For such a system, we will probably implement a tab system in the editor where if you open up an Asciidoc file all associated resource files are opened as tabs as well. The tabs should be scrollable and new files should be addable using a plus button (Potentially with a file amount limit of 10).

This is a more detailed version of #175 and supersedes it.