SYP-AHIF-2023-24-25 / SolarDoc

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Can't upload file if the content is too large #202

Closed Luna-Klatzer closed 2 months ago

Luna-Klatzer commented 2 months ago

Currently, when attempting to upload a file to the server PostgreSQL returns an error indicating the content is too large (>255). This is an anomaly though because when editing a file normally this error does not happen and any length of file is accepted by the database.


ERROR 22001 (string_data_right_truncation) value too long for type character varying(255)
Luna-Klatzer commented 2 months ago

We thank Phoenix for literally saving us. Praise the Phoenix and Elixir gods for their high-performance caches. 💜

Luna-Klatzer commented 2 months ago

Related to #193, caused almost certainly by the same DB error.

Luna-Klatzer commented 2 months ago

Fixed by #207.