SaILaIDiN / Spine-Detection-with-CNNs

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Tracking script and documentation need updates #7

Open TNodeCode opened 6 months ago

TNodeCode commented 6 months ago

Currently the tracking process described in the README file doesn't work. I had to do the following stept to fix the error:

Replace all occurences of args.images in the file src/spine_detection/ by args.input. Otherwise the --input argument will not be used in the Python code.

Modify the command to track the objects in the following way:

python src/spine_detection/ \
    --input "<path-to-files>/SR052N1D2day1stack1*.png" \
    --model Cascade_RCNN_model \
    --model_type Cascade-RCNN \
    --param_config lr_0.001_warmup_None_momentum_0.6_L2_3e-06_run_1 \
    --model_epoch epoch_10 \

Rename the directory Cascade_RCNN in the directory tutorial_exps to Cascade_RCNN_no_data_augmentation. You can do this by running the following command: mv tutorial_exps/Cascade_RCNN_model/ tutorial_exps/Cascade_RCNN_no_data_augmentation.

SaILaIDiN commented 2 months ago

Thanks for pointing out the args.images parameter! This was an artifact of a previous version. We have updated the file for this aspect.

The naming of the directory is just explanatory. But we will consider unifying the folder structure and naming for training, tracking, prediction and evaluation.

Best regards