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GTP engines tournament #295

Open kris-computer-go opened 7 years ago

kris-computer-go commented 7 years ago

Hi! Is it possible to implement in Sabaki a sequence of games by two engines and create a file to count a score. Even more useful would be to attach more engines and make a tournament with a specific count of games of each other. Then it will be possible to estimate a strength of each engine. Just my wishful thinking...

aTan-aka-Xellos commented 7 years ago

+1, would be nice to have. Set up engine play each time for each game takes too much time (especially if you can't check state of game 24/7). SmartGo has some kind of this mode, but had troubles to use. Also with some combinations of bots to play each other it fails to start correctly. For example when I tryed to set AQ and Ray play each other - they conflicted to start since engines run right after game start, not when it's their turn. Seems they conflict about resources. Work-arounded this my adding firsly one engine and then after first move - attached second engine.

Vargooo commented 6 years ago

Hello, I too, would like very much to have the possibility to set up a multi-game match between 2 engines, and get the final score. For example , set up a 12 games match between AQ (W) and Leela (B), with 2H, with time settings so and so, and end up , after 12 games played automatically and consecutively , with something like : AQ-Leela 4-8 and files AQvsL001.sgf,AQvsL002.sgf ,etc

Thank you for your excellent program.

Cabu commented 6 years ago

+1, It would be great to be able to set up tournament between multiple engines by selecting them from the list of configured engines, the time per game and the number of games each engine should play against each other engines and have a nice result like:

. eng1 eng2 eng3 total
eng1 - 8\2 4\6 12\8
eng2 2\8 - 1\9 3\17
eng3 6\4 9\1 - 15\5

In this example, only 3 set of matches are played: eng1 vs eng2, eng1 vs eng3 and eng2 vs eng3.

Ideally, we could also add a parameter in the engine configuration panel to indicate the strength of the engine to be able to compute automatically the handicap the engine should have when it play against another engine. Or else they should play alternatively white and black.

edgarradge commented 6 years ago

+1 Please, could you implement the possibility to play a sequence of games by two engines and create a file to save the games and the score. Thanks !

ThomasCabaret commented 6 years ago

+1 Please. It's unexpectedly hard to find alternatives for that on the web.

hadim commented 6 years ago

I am not sure it's the goal of Sabaki to provide such a feature. That being said it should not be too hard to write a small script that would run a game between two engines. It's mostly glue. If you guys have some coding skills, I am sure it's not that hard.

portkata commented 3 years ago

+1 multiple games between 2 engines would be very helpful. gogui can do this but needs java. would be great to have a portable non java alternative

cryptsport commented 3 years ago

@portkata q5go