SabakiHQ / Sabaki

An elegant Go board and SGF editor for a more civilized age.
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Selecting "View/Show Move Numbers" clears edits on the goban #802

Closed sente361 closed 3 years ago

sente361 commented 3 years ago

This applies to v0.51.1. (I haven't moved to v0.52 yet due to the issues already reported for it.) See screenshots for clarification: image

Selecting "View/Show Move Numbers" wipes annotations on the goban that had previously been shown: image

sente361 commented 3 years ago

Another example; not all edits are wiped: image


apetresc commented 3 years ago

Can reproduce, very strange. Thanks!

apetresc commented 3 years ago

Okay, it was pretty easy to fix markers on the board itself, but at the moment Sabaki can't draw multiple markers on the same spot, so there's no good way to display both, say, a triangle and the move number on the same stone. So in this case we need to decide what to do:

Happy to hear anyone's thoughts :)

sente361 commented 3 years ago

Display the move number, ignore the marker

Not desirable if "Show Move Numbers" is selected; for example, it is likely that the user will not realise that there is an undisplayed marker.

Display the marker, ignore the move number

Not desirable: for example the user may spend an age looking for the missing move number.

Modify Shudan to allow multiple markers on the same stone

This would be a nice enhancement. However it might be a lot of work both in adding this facility and then fixing assorted bugs that may arise.

I suggest doing nothing further at this stage; leave things as they are until such time as multiple markers are requested (or a developer takes it on as an interesting challenge/project). I would make use of a multiple marker feature but it is not of great importance to me.

If anyone was to work on multiple markers I suggest that move numbers are displayed in small black font and any other markers on the stone are large and translucent (size depending on the number of markers on the stone). The object would be for the move number to show through any other markers on a stone. Being able to select a variety of colors for markers and move numbers would be another nice feature but is not at all important.

yishn commented 3 years ago

@sente361 Just for clarification, we don't actually clear the markers from the file. If "Show Move Numbers" is activated, we simply hide all the SGF custom markers since, as stated, we can't display two markers at the same time and it will be very messy if we did. This is as designed.

sente361 commented 3 years ago

@yishn Thanks for the clarification.

ldeng-ustc commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to display move number and annotations only when there is no conflict? In a joseki book, characters are usually used to indicate the point of choice, which is usually on the board, while the number is used to indicate the order of the pieces and so appears only on the pieces (as shown below). But sabaki cannot display both at the same time, making it difficult to learn joseki or Life and Death with Sabaki. image