SabakiHQ / Sabaki

An elegant Go board and SGF editor for a more civilized age.
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Links to Antique and Jade themes. #818

Closed billhails closed 3 years ago

billhails commented 3 years ago

A couple more themes for you, hope you like them.

There is another "semi-precious" theme in my repo but having finished it I don't really like it so I won't promote it here. I'll leave it as an easter egg if anyone goes looking.

apetresc commented 3 years ago

I certainly do like them! And these are all procedurally generated? I'm attempting to learn some basic Blendering myself at the moment, if you had any sort of process work documented, I'd love to read it!

billhails commented 3 years ago

Thanks! There's one image texture, the bamboo board, apart from that all the background, board and stone textures are procedural. However each theme is lit with an HDRI (all CC-0) which makes them look a lot better. I spent most of my time getting the blender workflow down to being like a "sabaki theme factory" so I can create a new theme in just an hour or so now, the problem is having good ideas, not executing them. I'm thinking about putting the blend file up on my repo for people to look at, maybe over the weekend.

apetresc commented 3 years ago

Very cool; so did you model the stone geometry to get the lighting to look right, then?

I'm thinking about putting the blend file up on my repo for people to look at, maybe over the weekend.

I'm looking forward to it :)

billhails commented 3 years ago - enjoy! (btw I was wrong above, there are two non-procedural textures - I forgot about the carpet.)