SabakiHQ / Sabaki

An elegant Go board and SGF editor for a more civilized age.
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Feature request: "Make Main Sub-variation" #864

Open sente361 opened 2 years ago

sente361 commented 2 years ago

See diagram. It would be great if, with one operation, you could move the currently selected branch in the game tree (eg the move colored green) to be the main (left-most) branch beneath the first node above where it is not already the main sub-branch. This would speed up the task of organising the game tree immensely when analysing games. (Currently this requires four repetitions of Edit/Shift Left.)


In the diagram the node colored yellow is the first node above the move colored green where the green move is not the left-most branch (sub-variation). It would be great if this branch could be moved to the left-most position below the yellow node with a right-click Make Main Sub-variation command. (This is similar to the current Edit/Make Main Variation command. However using that command to organise sub-variations in the game tree alters the order of nodes higher in the game tree in an undesirable way.)

If it is too difficult to create such a command, then next best would be to move the selected branch to be the main (left-most) branch beneath the first node above, colored pink in the diagram. (Best of all would be able to drag nodes wherever you wish but I understand that this is not possible.)

I hope that this option is achievable. Thanks in advance to anyone assisting!