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Add Ctrl-C mirror #60

Closed ananace closed 6 years ago

ananace commented 6 years ago

The other part where this was to be added according to IRC.

Ryuno-Ki commented 6 years ago

Hi, @joostruis,

what is the current status of entropy here? I would like to have the Swedish mirror added there first before I accept this PR.

ananace commented 6 years ago

Just going to throw a quick bump in, as the PR to the entropy repository.d file was accepted a while back, and I'm still not sure if there's anything more I should do about getting the mirror everywhere it needs to be.

Ryuno-Ki commented 6 years ago

Sorry for letting you waiting so long. It looks like it works now, so I merged it into the code base. Expect it to show up on the website within the next 24 hours, @ananace.

Thank you for your support.