Sable / HorsePower

Optimizing database queries with array programming
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To-do list #6

Open wukefe opened 7 years ago

wukefe commented 7 years ago

Remained things for the following weeks.

July 23, 2017

Adding more primitives

Although dozens of primitives have been added into the backend, there are a couple of important primitives are missing. Most of them are linked to efficient libraries, such as like, which requires a high-performance string matching library PCRE.

  1. like: PCRE library, online
  2. BLAS and CLAPACK for complex numbers
  3. More....


Enumeration is a mapping from a primary-key column (unique values) to a foreign-key column. In the underline implementation, it stores numeric indices other than actual value.

u <- `apple`ibm`google
v <- `google`google`apple`apple`ibm
e <- `u:v

The logic value of e is


while it keeps indices as follows

`u:2 2 0 0  1

Note: If a foreign-key column is replaced with an enumeration, it may sacrifice data locality when a query is merely within a table without any join operations. (Meeting with Bettina on July 28)

Null and Inf

The value of an item may be null (absence of a value) or inf (infinite). It can be applied to ordinary operations as an operand without any breakdowns. We'd like to keep a HorseIR program running with maximum tolerance on these special values.

For example,

inf + 10 = inf
inf - 10 = inf

System functions

A system function is designed for connecting HorseIR and outside environment. Its tasks include

  1. File I/O
  2. Floating numbers output precision
  3. More...

Completing interpreter

We're working on the interpreter to execute HorseIR code with user-defined functions (UDFs). As a DB-related system, the interpreter is designed as an online system which processes requests when it accepts. We summarize our design of the interpreter as follows.

  1. Low-latency
  2. High-throughput (SIMD)
  3. Extensible compiler framework (for compiler optimizations)
  4. Sustainable for a long time (with solid memory management)

Possible back-end tricks

wukefe commented 7 years ago

PCRE version 8.41. | Download Source Code | Documents | Online Cheetsheet |

Mac OS

brew install pcre