Sable / HorsePower

Optimizing database queries with array programming
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Study Q6 #7

Open wukefe opened 7 years ago

wukefe commented 7 years ago

MonetDB MAL details (An Example from TPC-H Q6)

Code snippet

SQL code

    sum(l_extendedprice * l_discount) as revenue
    l_shipdate >= date '1994-01-01'
    and l_shipdate < date '1994-01-01' + interval '1' year
    and l_discount between .06 - 0.01 and .06 + 0.01
    and l_quantity < 24; 

MAL code (for WHERE)

|     X_137:bat[:lng] := sql.bind(X_3,"sys","lineitem","l_discount",0:int,0:int,8:int);   |
|     C_114:bat[:oid] := sql.tid(X_3,"sys","lineitem",0:int,8:int);                       |
|     X_48:date := mtime.addmonths("1994-01-01":date,12:int);                             |
|     C_171 := algebra.subselect(X_147,C_114,"1994-01-01":date,X_48,true,false,false);    |
|     C_179 := algebra.subselect(X_137,C_171,5:lng,7:lng,true,true,false);                |
|     C_187 := algebra.thetasubselect(X_129,C_179,2400:lng,"<");                          |


Remaining questions

  1. Why floating point literals in the query multiply by 100 to convert to a long int type? Any performance concerns?
    • The column discount is treated as a long int column.
  2. Why does the MAL code have to repeat 8 times? (Hint: 8 threads?)
    • I made some efforts to figure out the meaning of each parameter in sql.bind
    • I searched on the MonetDB GitHub repo, but failed to identify where the source code was