Closed Deterous closed 3 months ago
Newer versions of UIC output a _PFI.bin file so this can be uncommented: (and any other instances for optional output files)
Also, UmdImageCreator has internal serial in *_disc.txt that needs parsing e.g.
disc0:/PSP_GAME/PARAM.SFO magic: PSF version: 1.01 APP_VER: 01.00 BOOTABLE: 1 CATEGORY: UG DISC_ID: ULJM05692 DISC_NUMBER: 1 DISC_TOTAL: 1 ...
DISC_ID: ULJM05692 needs a hyphen inserted, ULJM-05692
PFI is commented out in artifacts in DIC as well. It's already included in the zip.
Newer versions of UIC output a _PFI.bin file so this can be uncommented: (and any other instances for optional output files)
Also, UmdImageCreator has internal serial in *_disc.txt that needs parsing e.g.
DISC_ID: ULJM05692 needs a hyphen inserted, ULJM-05692