SachaEpskamp / semPlot

Path diagrams and visual analysis of various SEM packages' output
GNU General Public License v2.0
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semPaths after runmi #23

Open dgnhatun opened 4 years ago

dgnhatun commented 4 years ago

Hello, I am having this issue with semPaths. Is there a way to get plots for "mi" models?

data25 <- mice(data, m = 25, seed = 12435) mice.imp <- NULL for(i in 1:25) mice.imp[[i]] <- mice::complete(data25, action=i, inc=FALSE)

latent1 <- 'N=~ n1+ n2+ n3+ n4+ n5'
out1 <- runMI(latent1, data=mice.imp, fun="cfa", meanstructure = TRUE) semPaths(out1, whatlabels = "std", layout = "tree")


semPaths(out1, whatlabels = "std", layout = "tree") # Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function ‘semPlotModel.S4’ for signature ‘"lavaan.mi"’
