SachinGanesh / screenshot

Flutter Screenshot Library
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Update ViewConfiguration for Flutter 3.19 #162

Closed LeoRc01 closed 3 months ago

LeoRc01 commented 5 months ago

This PR fixes the ViewConfiguration as of Flutter 3.19.0-7.0.pre.4 • channel master

ritheshSalyan commented 3 months ago

@LeoRc01 , Thank you for your pull request. We have implemented this change for version 2.2.0. Closing in favor of e92762a71e5dcd39e0aae6bf4399b5947f09c91d

Eimji commented 3 months ago


size: logicalSize, is still present in the new version 2.3.0, causing an error on compilation.

logicalConstraints: BoxConstraints(maxWidth: logicalSize.width, maxHeight: logicalSize.height),works better as constraints is not defined.