Saddamus / invoiceninja-helm

helm chart for invoiceninja
1 stars 2 forks source link

missing dependancy #2

Open aivarasj opened 3 years ago

aivarasj commented 3 years ago

helm install --namespace=default --timeout=10m0s --values=/home/shell/helm/values-invoiceninja-0.1.0.yaml --version=0.1.0 --wait=true ninja /home/shell/helm/invoiceninja-0.1.0.tgz

Mon, Mar 22 2021 3:13:28 pm | Error: found in Chart.yaml, but missing in charts/ directory: mysql

Saddamus commented 3 years ago

helm dependency update first to download dependencies Sir.


aivarasj commented 3 years ago

Still can't figure it out, is it possible to publish on ?

helm repo add invoice Error: looks like "" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: failed to fetch : 404 Not Found

aivarasj commented 3 years ago

After scratching my head for a while i got it running.

Seems like everything fine, except the message "The crons need to be enabled"

aivarasj commented 3 years ago

Seems like sleep 60 on schedule:run was not enough for first time initialization.

Only question remains will it be published on artifacthub?

Saddamus commented 3 years ago

The deployment contains also image: name: {{ .Chart.Name }}-cron that exectures: /usr/local/bin/, which is loaded from configmap: invoiceninja-cron-config so, although its not really cron, all this automation is kept. Can you paste screenshot about the missing cron? You can feel free to publish the chart wherever you want, but i think its not yet on this stage.

aivarasj commented 3 years ago

There was a message in frontend in the bottom corner where exclamation mark is. I ran php artisan schedule:run from the pod shell and it disappeared. Re-creating pod later it didn't show, so my guess was that 60 seconds wasn't enough for the first run.

Regarding publishing you are right.