SadieDragon / TPR-Hints-Tool

A tool to aide with use of the TPR hints.
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To-Do: Dungeon Signs #34

Open SadieDragon opened 1 month ago

SadieDragon commented 1 month ago


The original text actually makes this pretty clear: Dungeon signs display where the big key is on most hint strengths, and also an extra hint. Maybe have an option to autofill the big keys like a shopping list?

Tasks to Complete

Further information

Temple of Time (ToT) has 2 signs, one of which does not actually have the big key hint. Goron Mines (GM) has 1 sign, but the key is split into 3 shards, and thus has 3 lines. Perhaps consider importance marking from the user?

OG Text:

These are formatted differently and i've realized that this should be its own tab.

The different hint strengths affect these. Need research.

Maybe have the dungeon tab overarching, then sub notebook widget with the tabs on the side instead?

ToT has 2 signs.... do any other dungeons? Not that i can think of. (why is tot special, again?) GM has a sign with 3 different key shards listed.

This will later be a project.

Part of init release to get the default down.

SadieDragon commented 3 weeks ago

Figure out spoilers for tkinter, to not immediately reveal the location of a bk?

Generate a frame for the entire span =================================

Left side have the Dungeon Name -> Color matching would be nice, quick glance to see the color -> Could I also find boss icons?

to the right of that, have the big key location -> GM has 3, account for that -> Spoiler Log (What was i thinking?)

To the right of the bk frame, have a frame with a matrix of sk -> Not a checkbox, I want to be able to mark them as not-required, or required. -> I would like to be able to track "there's a key in this region"

To the right of that frame, have a button which you can click for a pop up of what keys unlock what doors -> Pop up feels clunky. But trying to keep this compact.


Also to consider: -> A way to list checks that are unlocked by the dungeon, based on the seed's settings. -> FT (closed faron) -> GM (talo, dm poe, hawkeye) -> LBT (mdh) -> AG (PoT) -> SPR (snowboard racing) -> ToT (Illia Sidequest > HV, Doctor's Balcony) -> CitS (vanilla PoT) -> PoT (can't, but vanilla HC) -> Make the above modular should I have forgotten something and someone point it out later -> Default should probably be a dropdown. I need to figure out general structure of these signs, where bks can be based on settings -> Hint Settings may greatly affect this in particular. Minimal I know already absolutely gets in my way.

-> FT : RGB 154 199 127 -> GM : RGB 239 120 120 -> LBT : RGB 74 149 214 -> AG : RGB 216 167 118 -> SPR : RGB 156 175 215 -> CitS: RGB 218 218 129 -> PoT : RGB 200 160 220 -> HC : 188 188 188

-> BC: RGB 170 220 140 -> FW: RGB 220 170 120

`# turn RGB to hex from cl from sys import argv

rgb = argv[1:]

hex_code = [format(int(x), '02x') for x in rgb]


`# Hide the widgets def hide_frame(frame: Frame): frame.grid_forget()

Show the widgets

def show_frame(frame: Frame): frame.grid() `

Freeing up to do its job again