Sadret / openrct2-scenery-manager

An OpenRCT2 plug-in to copy & paste scenery with many more features.
GNU General Public License v3.0
41 stars 5 forks source link

More Diverse Brush Tool #43

Open jhadenfeld93 opened 6 months ago

jhadenfeld93 commented 6 months ago

Would it be possible to expand the selection of scenery objects for use in the brush tool? Or I guess I mean allow a user to choose up to 10 different objects instead of 5 to scatter when using the brush tool? Thanks.

Sadret commented 6 months ago

When I implemented this, it was a technical limitation. By now, that restriction has been removed. This means that I could change it, but I am not planning to do a release in the near future, as I am working on other things.