Sadswefg / Data-Visualization---Group-Project-1

This repo is used for the Data Visualization course at VinUniversity where we plan to use the Trash Wheel collection dataset for our analysis.
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Data Visualization Peer Review - Group C #3

Open HuuDatDo opened 4 months ago

HuuDatDo commented 4 months ago
tienvu95 commented 3 months ago

Exploring the shift in waste composition is a nice idea --> visualize that might be more interesting than the over trend. Moreover, making the distinctions between non-biodegradable, non-recycleable are also nice (since if we see the overall trend, I expect everything will increase as there are more ppl and we are using/making more stuffs)

Sadswefg commented 3 months ago

Dear @HuuDatDo,

Thank you very much for your thoughtful suggestions regarding our project proposal. We'd like to address each of the points you mentioned in the following:

  1. Trends in waste composition: your question aligns closely with our first objective, which is to identify types of waste composition that have seen increases in weight or volume over the last 6 months. Thus, we definitely can extract a specific region contain predominantly non-recyclable trash trend from the top-N result.
  2. Trash Wheel performance: While our proposal does include an analysis of their efficiency, we believe focusing extensively on non-biodegradable waste and finding solution to answer to the amount of trash dumping might beyond the scope of what we want to answer.
  3. Shift in waste types: The suggestion to investigate shifts in waste composition, such as from glass to plastic bottles, is particularly intriguing. It opens up a pathway to understanding how consumer behavior and waste management practices have evolved. This angle can indeed provide valuable insights into predicting future waste trends and developing targeted waste reduction strategies. Therefore, we will put this question into our consideration and probably might try to answer it.

Your suggestions have provided us with valuable perspectives that we believe will enhance the breadth and depth of our study. Thank you again for your engaging and constructive feedback. We're excited about the potential to uncover new insights through our analysis and are open to further discussions that could enrich our project.