Safe2COVIDApp / bct-server

Bluetooth Contact Tracing for Covid19 - server
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Changes from /tmp to /data need consideration #195

Open mitra42 opened 3 years ago

mitra42 commented 3 years ago

Two questions about the recent pair of PR's #193 and #194

a) I think you want mkdir -p /data since mkdir /data will error if /data already exists

b) how is /tmp treated different from /data ? i.e. what steps are you taking to attach a new docker instance to an existing persistent volume.

I'm asking because I know when I do this kind of thing on kubernetes I have to - at the Kubernetes level - persist a volume (which by convention, at least, is /pv).

mitra42 commented 3 years ago

Brian ( @justledbetter ) - something odd with membership, as I don't seem to be able to assign this task to you. Are you a member, or whatever github calls them, of this repo ? I'm going to assign to @jmday for now, because it was Jamison who merged the PRs

jmday commented 3 years ago

@mitra42 : The following file is used on our deployment servers (dev for now, eventually prod) to get the updated github changes each 5min:

$ cat
## BCL: Modified script to run _once_ so it can be called from Cron.
## Note:
##  - I've added a docker Volume to contain persistent application data
##  - I've added the ec2-user account to the docker group to allow it to run the docker command.

# This script polls a git repo for changes,
# if changes are found, it pulls them down, rebuilds, and restart the docker container
# This script executes an infinite loop that sleeps every 5 seconds

# Run the script with $nohup so it executes as a background using following command:
#  $nohup ./ > container-cicd.log &


#move into cloned git repo directory
cd $cloneRepoDirectory

# find local and remote revision ids
git fetch
LOCAL=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
REMOTE=$(git rev-parse @{u})

# check if local and remote revision ids don't match
if [ $LOCAL != $REMOTE -o "x$1" != x ]; then
    echo "GIT repo updated, upgrading Docker container"
    echo "pulling new changes from repo"
    #git pull origin master
    git pull origin develop

    echo "building new docker image"
    sudo docker build --tag bct-server:latest .

    echo "getting rid of currently running container"
    sudo docker stop bct-server
    sudo docker rm bct-server

    echo "running new image in a new container"
    sudo docker run -d \
        -p 5000:5000 \
        --name bct-server \
        -v bct-server-appdata:/data \
        -v bct-server-vol:/app \

Creating the docker volume with the line: -v bct-server-appdata:/data \ allows a persistent docker volume to be used for the /data directory in the docker container. Since other processes may use the /tmp directory, it seems a directory such as /data (or something else other than /tmp ?) would be advisable as a default.

Totally with you on the mkdir -p /data. Good catch. I'll make the commit and PR on that for you to review.

mitra42 commented 3 years ago

Thanks - that file needs to be in the repo, along with modification of the README to point out how to install it in this environment.