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iPadOS - possibility to restrict uploading of images #419

Open Val2214 opened 3 months ago

Val2214 commented 3 months ago

Dear Safe Exam Browser Team,

I'd like to ask whether there is/there will be in the future a possibility to restrict uploading of images in SEB for digital exams done via iPad.

I found out recently that unfortunately, students can access the iPad Photo Gallery and upload images into the open questions' answer boxes (fyi we are using the platform Ans for digital tests). See the screenshot attached - the open question's answer box provides different functionality, including a button for image uploading, which allows users accessing iPad Photo Library, uploading and viewing screenshots of teaching materials right via the answer box when being at SEB, then delete that images and type an answer for the question. (FYI: our students use iPadOS 17.5.1 and SEB version 3.3.3.)

I contacted our digital test platform to find a solution, and they explained that it happens apparently because the SEB setting of not allowing uploading/downloading files has an impact only on Windows or MacOS but not on iOS. (See the screenshot - this is a setting for file uploading, and we always had it completely deactivated for all tests, and indeed, accessing other files in iPad storage is not possible, as I tested, but seems as a loophole with Photo Library left.)

I asked our digital test provider about a possibility to edit the answer box's functionality by removing the Image Upload button, in order to sort of if not solve but hide the existing loophole. But it is not possible for the provider to do this.

To repeat, this image issue is a case only for open questions due to such questions' answer boxes, not for other type of questions. But not using open questions at all or replacing them with other types of questions, like multiple choice or matrix, etc., is simply not possible for testing all knowledge and skills of students in an appropriate way - open questions must present in all exams.

In light of the above, I would like to ask whether there are any other settings/actions we might do to restrict images uploading for iPadOS? And if such setting does not exist, are there any plans to develop this feature in the future? Any information would be useful for me to understand better the situation. I really hope to hear from you.

Best regard! Valeriia

Screenshot - Image upload button in open questions Screenshot - SEB settings for files uploading:downloading in Ans

danschlet commented 3 months ago

SEB 3.3.3 for iOS does block the file/photo selection dialog for a standard "Choose File" button when using the modern WebView. I just tested that this is still working on this demo page.

I assume Ans uses some non-standard way how to invoke a file upload. Can you provide me with access to a demo test, where I can try that out (would be better if the test isn't protected with SEB restriction, then I can better analyze the HTML code used there).

The underlaying problem is that Apple allows to access the Photo library even when in the AAC Assessment Mode. I submitted a feature request to block that in future, I have to ask back if they are working on that.

Val2214 commented 3 months ago

Thanks a lot for your response!

Do I understand correctly you need an access to an Ans digital test with an open question in the student role? If yes, sure, I can do that, the only thing I would need is some email address, so that I can send the invitation link to activate an Ans account where you will find access to the digital test.

Or let me know if you need anything else from my side.

Val2214 commented 2 months ago

Dear Daniel, have you had a chance to see my message above? I'd still need some email address to be able to share access to an Ans exam with an open question, otherwise, it would be not possible for you/your colleagues to access a digital test. If you need anything else from me, let me know please.

danschlet commented 2 months ago

I was traveling and actually reminded my Apple contacts about this open issue in iOS.

You can use info at safeexambrowser dot org as mail address.

Val2214 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your quick response!

I have just sent an invitation link to the indicated email, it should take a minute to activate an account where you will find access to the test. As you asked above, it has no SEB integrated - you will be able to access just by clicking "Start" under the Test. This test is accessible multiple (100) times, so you can 'Submit' answers and access again.

SEB test Ans 1

Val2214 commented 1 month ago

Dear Daniel, dear SEB Team, I would like to ask if you managed to analyse the roots of the loophole with accessing images on iPad. This would really help our academic team to make a decision on the future of the digital exams at the university.

danschlet commented 1 month ago

Hi Valeriia,

Unfortunately we're very busy finalizing urgent SEB releases and the Windows and Mac versions have higher priority than the iOS version.

I will likely have time to work on the iOS 3.4 version next week and will attempt to investigate this issue before its release. Hope the test assessment you provided is still online?

It's possible that this issue for the time being can only be fixed:

Val2214 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for your response! I do hope you will manage to use the test which is indeed still available. Just in case I re-sent the invitation link to activate the account with the test (the old invitation sent in July might expire).

As for the options, as for the first, we have already asked but the response was unfortunately - it's not possible to remove the upload button. And thanks for the second advice, I will forward it now to the provider.