SafeGraphInc / SafeGraphR

R code for common, repeatable data wrangling and analysis of SafeGraph data
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Feature request: expand open hours #6

Open pbaylis opened 3 years ago

pbaylis commented 3 years ago

Per our conversation on Slack, it would be great if this package could process the open_hours field from SafeGraph (see here for spec). I had hoped to write up a PR but, having compared my amateurish attempt to the existing codebase, maybe it's better if I just supply the code I put together here and you decide how to proceed.


# Load Core POI data ----
core_poi <- read_many_csvs(dir = "/data1/safegraph/core_poi/2020/11/06/11/")

# Limit to POI that give open hours
open_hours_only <- core_poi[open_hours != ""]

convert_hour_str <- function(time_str, midnight_is_zero = TRUE) {
    # Convert an %H:%M time string to numeric, e.g., "08:15" -> 8.25
    time_POSIX <- as.POSIXlt(time_str, format = "%H:%M")
    result <- hour(time_POSIX) + minute(time_POSIX) / 60
    if (!midnight_is_zero) {
        result[result == 0] <- 24

convert_JSON_hours <- function(hours_clean) {
    # Convert a JSON string listing hours open and closed into a data.table
    # hours_clean <- unique_hours$open_hours_clean[96] # DEBUG

    hour_list <- jsonlite::fromJSON(hours_clean) # This takes a long, long time.

    # Keep only non-empty
    hour_list <- hour_list[lapply(hour_list,length)>0]

    hour_dt <- rbindlist(lapply(hour_list,, idcol = "dow")
    setnames(hour_dt, c("V1", "V2"), c("open", "close"))
    hour_dt[, `:=`(open = convert_hour_str(open),
                   close = convert_hour_str(close, midnight_is_zero = F))]

expand_hours <- function(dt) {
    # dt <- open_hours_only[1:10000] # DEBUG

    # To save on parsing time, get unique values of open_hours
    unique_hours <- dt[, .N, by = open_hours] %>% .[, N := NULL]

    # Remove extra escaped quotes
    unique_hours[, open_hours_clean := stringr::str_replace_all(open_hours, '\\"\\"','\\"')]

    # Get a data.table where each obs is row-by-dow-open/close interval
    unique_hours_dt <- unique_hours[, convert_JSON_hours(open_hours_clean), by = open_hours]

    # Merge (M:M) back to original dataset
    dt_final <- merge(dt[, .(placekey, open_hours)], 
                      by = "open_hours", 
                      allow.cartesian = T)

    dt_final <- dt_final[, .(placekey, dow, open, close)]

expanded_hours <- expand_hours(open_hours_only[sample(.N, 100)])
NickCH-K commented 3 years ago

See the new version and give it a whirl!

pbaylis commented 3 years ago

Looks fantastic! Thanks again.