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User Roles? #97

Open SimonLab opened 7 years ago

SimonLab commented 7 years ago

@JoshTaylor12 could you confirm the following list of roles, the users linked to these roles will be allowed to login to the application. This will help me to determine the permissions and scope for each type of user (thanks @harrygfox for this list):

Are there any other type of user that will need access to the application? @JoshTaylor12 @iteles @harrygfox any thoughts on this list?

JoshTaylor12 commented 7 years ago

@SimonLab So first I'll answer the questions and then below that would be confirmation of the list.

Idva would be a type of service worker. There are also other roles that I will list out below.

The Insights champion will also be in one of these roles. The Insights champion could also be the service manager. So for this reason I would have it as a tag that you can assign to anyone, rather than a separate role.

Commissioner would be separate to the service workers, and their permissions would be severely restricted.

Service manager would be best placed separate to the service workers

JoshTaylor12 commented 7 years ago

@SimonLab this would be the list of roles:

There would then be many subsets to the case worker role. This gets complicated because the service might call their workers something that is unique to them. So ideally this would need to be a list that can be added to. To add to this, we will group some roles together to create our Insights datasets. So for example, we have a service that has Marac Idvas and SDVC Idvas, but the data from both roles would go into the general Idva dataset.

For this reason, i think we would need two tags. One for role, and one for the dataset that the role belongs to.

The current list of case worker sub types are:

Role Dataset IDVA Idva Outreach worker Outreach Male Outreach Outreach Women's safety worker Women's safety worker Refuge Worker Refuge Advice worker Advice/Helpline SDVC IDVA Idva MARAC IDVA Idva YP Worker YP Worker Helpline Advice/Helpline Isva Isva Boy and Young Men Worker Outreach BME Worker BME worker Refuge childrens worker Children's Children's IDVA Children's Children's Counsellor Children's Children's Outreach Children's Health IDVA Health IRIS IDVA Health Maternity IDVA Health A&E IDVA Health Floating Support Outreach Support worker Outreach Idaa Idaa

SimonLab commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the details @JoshTaylor12 ! Just to recap: The sub types of case worker is a way to identify easily the different type users in a service but otherwise these sub types will have the same permissions (list of features available to this role) defined by the case worker type or is it possible each sub types could have different restricted permissions?

These sub types of case worker can also be grouped to create specific dataset. You've mentioned the "Idva dataset", do you have other specific dataset created from these sub types? Sorry we might have talked about the datasets previously but could you precise them just to be sure I don't miss anything. From my understanding a dataset is the analysed data from the forms submitted by case workers. Is a specific dataset the same as a report generated for a specific role? report-role

JoshTaylor12 commented 7 years ago

@SimonLab that's correct, these sub types would all have the same permission levels.

Sorry the previous list didnt come out well when i wrote it in so I have attached a file showing which dataset each role should feed into. It would also be important that SafeLives admin users were able to add to this list.

I think we did talk about datasets but probably didnt make it clear that more than one role would feed into them. So the datasets are made up of similar roles.

We would still require the function to report by single role (as in the wireframe above) so dataset should probably sit as a separate category underneath.

SimonLab commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the explanation @JoshTaylor12. I wasn't paying attention to the details and didn't see the two column on your previous issue for Role and dataset.

I have another question concerning the Service manager role. Does this role can create new case worker role or is the creation of new user only allowed by the Safe Lives Admins?

JoshTaylor12 commented 7 years ago

Yes it would be good if both Service Manager and SafeLives Admin were able to create new caseworkers