Safecast / Drive-ios

Safecast Drive by Safecast
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first 5-10 Measurepoints in the IOS Drive App Issue #12

Open Lugulbanda opened 6 years ago

Lugulbanda commented 6 years ago

Sorry i don't find the Thread were i posted that, so i open this issue here new,

Startup and Handshake with IOS APP

Lugulbanda commented 6 years ago

@Frangible @seanbonner tested it out from time to time for weeks,

Lugulbanda commented 6 years ago

Final Conclusion.

Actually i stopped using the ios Drive app for measuring, cuz it does to much GPS Errors, if nano and Iphone bluetooth, get disconnected and "reconnected again", while the drive app/nano is still running, even if u dont do a measuring with the app, and the nano is doing it, the the app allways connect to the nano, if its opened, no matter if u want to do a measure or not on the drive app, but from that moment phone and nano get dissconected, ur vurnualble for this Bluetooth dissconect/reconnect Feedback loop GPS Problem and it grows over time! under ideal conditions it works fine, if it is not dissconnected, but in normal sittuations, u sometimes have to demont ur nano, and shut it down, cuz ur longer away from the car, or, just out of reflex u go shoping and take ur phone with u, so the nano/phone looes connection, made me very sad loosing so much good and long travel measuring points only to this next bluetooth handshake problem....

btw i realy suggest, the ios drive app need to have a handshake checkup or reset, if it looses contact to the nano, because the feedback loop which builds up, if the first handshake is lost, causes the Nano and drive app to generate GPS problems in the GPS datastream, wich render a lot of measurements into GPS Data loose, popup windows if u upload that data as example #30030405.log and #3003-0405.log

since i stopped using the IOS Drive APP with the bgeige Nano i have absolutly no GPS Error ! but then i have the next problem, if i load up the raw data from the nano, it also loads up everything, from the first bad measuring points to, everything u may do wrong while ur underway, like Tunnels or parking under a GPS Save Roof...:

To the first 15 Measuring Points little elevated Measurements, i think thats not only the bootup of the nano, its the Warmup, of the nano tool itself electronic Pancake ect.... , and u can say its allways between those 15 first measurementsteps, its not a big problem, in the first view, but on the tile map but with the google algorithms, on the map those measurements become, elevated as more u zoom out, as example u can have 1 single red dot in a sea of blue, the algorythim will if u zoom out mix all blues together, but the red dot stays highlighted up, until u can see the hole world. also if u allways start in the same region, it shifts the natural radiation there by factor ~2-3 to higher lvl then normal

I sugest those first 15 measurements should not be written down, cuz its still a boot up prozess, and electronic parts are not stable and warmed up in this time, i can only speak for my bgeige nano, but i know and saw the same problem in the API Maps from others to, yes its not much, but its allways wrong data, and even the tiny bit of wrong data, added to the true data pool , is poisoning the datapool itself, and makes the hole safecast project vurnuable, for critics.

in Regions wich are not hit by a catastrophic event, those elevatet light blue, become flashy like the red dots in other areas..

if i start allways in the same area, by time i get this hole area ELEVATED as a spot on the map, while everywere around its dark blue, this spot becomes adjusted to the next color shift, just by the elevated bootup wrong data from the nano!

i understand that comparsing to Fukoshima this is so little that it dosent, is a hughe impact, but keep in mind, the "first 15 measuring steps" are "not good trustworthy data" cuz of the bootup, warmup, adding this wrong data to the datapool, makes the hole datapool not trustworthy, because of the tiny startup 15 points poisoning with every upload.

one open Point for me, as i do myself work in a industry of measuring and correct data, how do u calibrate the nano?, i know from my work that, every electronic device, ages over time the electronic ages, with every on/off, with temperature and how it is treated and how much it is be used, every electronic device has a slight drift, and i didnt found a documentation how the nano is be readjusted, on a comparing calibration standard

Lugulbanda commented 6 years ago

GPS datacoruption