Safecast / bGeigieZen

bGiegieZen an Open Source Geiger Counter.
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BN-880Q GPS module difficult to solder #66

Open louisbertrand opened 2 months ago

louisbertrand commented 2 months ago

On the Beitian BN-880Q GPS module, it is difficult to solder the header pins because the pads are thin and unplated. The solder does not flow easily onto the pads. This will be a problem for inexperienced kit builders, where they could get an unreliable connection to the module, or no connection at all.

robouden commented 2 months ago

Not sure what we should do. It will require more work for me.. I will think about it..

louisbertrand commented 2 months ago

I recommend that kits be shipped with header pins already soldered to the module. The plastic frame of the header should be on the bottom side of the module PCB, with the short end of the pins through the module PCB. The long end would then be inserted into the Zen PCB.

Antenna     AAAAAAAAA
GPS PCB   ==============
Pins        i i i i i i
Frame      #############
Long pins   | | | | | |

Apologies for the bad ASCII art.

robouden commented 2 months ago

I understand the idea.. :)

robouden commented 2 months ago

There are BE-880Q (We have now BN-880Q) out, and I will check if they are better/easier to solder. That was a suggestion for Pieter in an email.