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Trouble with ttserve psql? #485

Open matschaffer opened 5 years ago

matschaffer commented 5 years ago

I tried to load today and noticed the ttserve psql panels aren't loading.

This appears to have also tripped the 5xx alarm for the reporting app.

Haven't dug in to see what's going on but figured I'd open this for visibility/collaboration.

/cc @robouden @rayozzie

rayozzie commented 5 years ago

I am away and can’t do much research, but the dB seems to be performing ok according to aws. From a UI perspective queries seem ok if a bit pokey. Not sure why there was that strange behavior in the write iops graph for a few hours.


On Aug 5, 2018, at 10:42 PM, Mat Schaffer<> wrote:

I tried to load today and noticed the ttserve psql panels aren't loading.

This appears to have also tripped the 5xx alarm for the reporting app.

Haven't dug in to see what's going on but figured I'd open this for visibility/collaboration.

/cc @robouden @rayozzie

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matschaffer commented 5 years ago

Thanks @rayozzie - wondering maybe the queries don't work well for the table size at this stage.

Here's an example from grafana:

 to_timestamp(value->>'when_captured','YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS"Z"') AS time,
 (value->>'lnd_7318u')::real as lnd_7318u
 ((value->>'device')::bigint = $device::bigint) AND (value->>'lnd_7318u' != '') AND $__timeFilter(modified)

Not sure if I have creds to try it directly but maybe I can just grab them from a ttserve instance and run an explain.

We also have ingest's elasticsearch so not sure we need to necessarily add indexing to make it faster for dashboards as long as it's working for ttserve's purposes.

rayozzie commented 5 years ago

I am not a sql person, so forgive the naive q: when you have a query like this and you want to make it faster, is there some simple/trivial way to create a materialized view or persistent indexes of some kind to suffer the penalty on insertion - which is best for our relatively low insertion rate?

On Aug 6, 2018, at 9:40 AM, Mat Schaffer<> wrote:

Thanks @rayozzie - wondering maybe the queries don't work well for the table size at this stage.

Here's an example from grafana:

SELECT to_timestamp(value->>'when_captured','YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS"Z"') AS time, (value->>'lnd_7318u')::real as lnd_7318u FROM data WHERE ((value->>'device')::bigint = $device::bigint) AND (value->>'lnd_7318u' != '') AND $__timeFilter(modified) ORDER BY time

Not sure if I have creds to try it directly but maybe I can just grab them from a ttserve instance and run an explain.

We also have ingest's elasticsearch so not sure we need to necessarily add indexing to make it faster for dashboards as long as it's working for ttserve's purposes.

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rayozzie commented 5 years ago

For example, by just grepping the web, I found this. Would this just magically increase query performance without even changing the queries? Do I have this even remotely right?

CREATE INDEX idxgin ON data USING gin (value);

From: Ray Ozzie Date: Monday, August 6, 2018 at 9:44 AM To: Safecast/safecastapi Cc: Safecast/safecastapi, Mention Subject: Re: [Safecast/safecastapi] Trouble with ttserve psql? (#485)

I am not a sql person, so forgive the naive q: when you have a query like this and you want to make it faster, is there some simple/trivial way to create a materialized view or persistent indexes of some kind to suffer the penalty on insertion - which is best for our relatively low insertion rate?

On Aug 6, 2018, at 9:40 AM, Mat Schaffer<> wrote:

Thanks @rayozzie - wondering maybe the queries don't work well for the table size at this stage.

Here's an example from grafana:


to_timestamp(value->>'when_captured','YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS"Z"') AS time,

(value->>'lnd_7318u')::real as lnd_7318u




((value->>'device')::bigint = $device::bigint) AND (value->>'lnd_7318u' != '') AND $__timeFilter(modified)



Not sure if I have creds to try it directly but maybe I can just grab them from a ttserve instance and run an explain.

We also have ingest's elasticsearch so not sure we need to necessarily add indexing to make it faster for dashboards as long as it's working for ttserve's purposes.

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matschaffer commented 5 years ago

I haven't tried gin indexes myself. More familiar with specific column indexes (e.g., - I haven't tried adding those on jsonb column keys though. But perhaps @Frangible has.

rayozzie commented 5 years ago

From: Mat Schaffer Reply-To: Safecast/safecastapi Date: Monday, August 6, 2018 at 10:17 AM To: Safecast/safecastapi Cc: Ray Ozzie, Mention Subject: Re: [Safecast/safecastapi] Trouble with ttserve psql? (#485)

I haven't tried gin indexes myself. More familiar with specific column indexes (e.g., - I haven't tried adding those on jsonb column keys though. But perhaps @Frangible has.

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matschaffer commented 5 years ago

So could be just adding this would speed things up a bit:

CREATE INDEX index_data_on_device ON data (((value ->> 'device')::bigint));

Always good to check analyze before/after but guessing at least having the device number indexed would help cut down the result set quite a bit for the second lnd_7318u filter.