Calculating an R ratio at any given visit is fairly simple using this formula: [(ALT/ULN) / (ALP/ULN)]. However, we also need a single “summary” R ratio value for each participant across all visits to use with the R Ratio filter.
How should we calculate this “summary” R Ratio?
Take Max ALT / Max ALP (Being used in V1.0)
Take Max ALT / Min ALP
Calculate R Ratio at all visits, and then find max value.
Use R Ratio at visit where Max ALT occurs
Clinical team agreed that option 4 made the most sense, so that has been implemented in v1.1.
Calculating an R ratio at any given visit is fairly simple using this formula: [(ALT/ULN) / (ALP/ULN)]. However, we also need a single “summary” R ratio value for each participant across all visits to use with the R Ratio filter.
How should we calculate this “summary” R Ratio?
Clinical team agreed that option 4 made the most sense, so that has been implemented in v1.1.