SafetyGraphics / safetyGraphics

Clinical Trial Safety Graphics with R
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How to dploy to PositConnect #718

Open raheems opened 1 year ago

raheems commented 1 year ago

It is not very clear to me how to deploy the app ro PositConnect

Can anyone provide some guidance please?

I tried the following.

> rsconnect::deployApp()
Error in lint(appDir, appFiles, appPrimaryDoc) : 
  Cancelling deployment: invalid project layout.
The project should have one of the following layouts:
1. 'server.R' and 'ui.R' in the application base directory,
2. 'server.R' and 'www/index.html' in the application base directory,
3. 'app.R' or a single-file Shiny .R file,
4. An R Markdown (.Rmd) or Quarto (.qmd) document,
5. A static HTML (.html) or PDF (.pdf) document.
6. 'plumber.R' API description .R file
7. 'entrypoint.R' plumber startup script
8. A tensorflow saved model

Then moved the app.R file to the project directory of safetyGraphics package. Didn't help.

What is the correct way to deploy the app?
