Sage-Bionetworks / NF_LandscapePaper_2019

This repository hosts all the code used to generate analyses and figures for the landscape paper
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fix duplication of cnf lvs #24

Closed allaway closed 4 years ago

allaway commented 4 years ago

For some reason each cNF sample is represented twice in the latent variable data, but with slightly different values for each LV. I am guessing this means that we have 2 quant.sf files on synapse for each sample that were generated slightly differently.

allaway commented 4 years ago

this is fixed. I created a synapse table of these results so that we can have a consistent analysis file to pull from:!Synapse:syn21046991/tables/query/eyJzcWwiOiJTRUxFQ1QgY291bnQoKikgRlJPTSBzeW4yMTA0Njk5MSIsICJpbmNsdWRlRW50aXR5RXRhZyI6dHJ1ZSwgImlzQ29uc2lzdGVudCI6dHJ1ZSwgIm9mZnNldCI6MCwgImxpbWl0IjoyNX0=