Sage-Bionetworks / NF_LandscapePaper_2019

This repository hosts all the code used to generate analyses and figures for the landscape paper
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redo LV analyses and analyses dependent on this with CHOP pNF data added #44

Closed allaway closed 4 years ago

allaway commented 4 years ago

@sgosline just to double check, you are referring to this CBTTC data, right?!Synapse:syn20629788/tables/query/eyJzcWwiOiJTRUxFQ1QgKiBGUk9NIHN5bjIwNjI5Nzg4IHdoZXJlIGZpbGVGb3JtYXQgPSAnc2YnIGFuZCB0dW1vclR5cGUgPSAncGxleGlmb3JtIG5ldXJvZmlicm9tYSciLCAiaW5jbHVkZUVudGl0eUV0YWciOnRydWUsICJpc0NvbnNpc3RlbnQiOnRydWUsICJvZmZzZXQiOjAsICJsaW1pdCI6MjV9

sgosline commented 4 years ago

Yes! It won't make much fo a difference for the genome variant work, but could help power jineta's random forest.