Several assays just use the individualID as the specimenID, which leads to duplicates. Each row does represent a unique sample (appending the assay name to the specimenID results in one unique specimenID per row), but the specimenIDs don't reflect that.
To bring this in line with our metadata standards this should really be fixed. It will involve:
[ ] assigning new unique specimenIDs to each row in the metadata
[ ] changing specimenID annotations on files to match the new unique IDs
[ ] making sure the unique specimenIDs are compatible with existing multispecimen files (these probably just use the individualID anyway)
Several assays just use the individualID as the specimenID, which leads to duplicates. Each row does represent a unique sample (appending the assay name to the specimenID results in one unique specimenID per row), but the specimenIDs don't reflect that.
To bring this in line with our metadata standards this should really be fixed. It will involve: