Sage-Bionetworks / dcamodules

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Explore coveralls in R #17

Closed rrchai closed 2 years ago

rrchai commented 2 years ago

There is no a good example how to implement coveralls in ci for r packages. I don't think coveralls has been used for R project across Sage yet. I would like to explore a bit more.

Initially, I just put covr function in the ci. It could auto update coverage in coveralls, but the branch is not tracked and the badge will not be updated:

- name: Test coverage
  if: matrix.config.coveralls == 'true'
  continue-on-error: true
  run: |
            function_exclusions = c("\\.onLoad", "showcase"),
            repo_token = "${{ secrets.COVERALLS_TOKEN }}",
  shell: Rscript {0}
  1. I am trying to use travis-ci - if service_name set NULL, it will use travis-ci
  2. If not working, I will use codecov instead.
rrchai commented 2 years ago Using travis is not successful. I think I have not made a correct configuration for travis CI, but I notice it will try to build package as well, which is duplicated with R-CMD-check. I hope the travis-ci will run dependent on R-CMD-check. For the sake of time, I will use codecov for now.