Sage-Bionetworks / sysbioDCCjsonschemas

SysBio DCC JSON schemas
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Enhancing discovery of multiome data #142

Closed pitviper6 closed 2 years ago

pitviper6 commented 2 years ago

Multiome data: DC is performing scrnaSeq and scatacSeq on the same specimen. Methods:!Synapse:syn29879329

How do we annotate for multiome data?

  1. In the biospecimen metadata, the DC enters the assays that were performed on one biospecimen
  2. For the assay metadata, the DC chooses one of the assay templates and adds columns as needed

Do we need a specific annotation that indicates multiome data, or is having the biospecimen linked to two (or more?) assays enough?

avanlinden commented 2 years ago

@pitviper6 I believe the best solution is to have a value for libraryPrep that is "multiome", and then as you suggested have the DC apply annotations to the multiome files with isMultiome = T/F just for easy filtering. That isMultiome key won't be a facet in the AD portal fileview, but it will help distinguish the files with advanced queries.

Does that sound ok?

pitviper6 commented 2 years ago

@avanlinden that sounds fine!

avanlinden commented 2 years ago

great, values/terms added in this PR: