Sage / carbon

Carbon by Sage | ReactJS UI Component Library
Apache License 2.0
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FlatTable has both rounded and square corners #6266

Open phil9690 opened 10 months ago

phil9690 commented 10 months ago

Current behaviour

In some cases the FlatTable component has both rounded corners and square corners overlapping each other. This also appears on some tables when zooming in 200%, then zooming out again.

Expected behaviour

The FlatTable component should only have rounded corners, or square corners, but not both. Zooming in and out of the page should not affect the border radius.

CodeSandbox or Storybook URL


JIRA Ticket (Sage Only)

SBS-65909 SBS-65907

Suggested Solution

No response

Carbon Version


Design Tokens Version

No response

What browsers are you seeing the problem on?

Chrome, Safari

What Operating System are you seeing the problem on?

MacOS, Windows

Anything else we should know?

This issue may be present in browsers other than Chrome and Safari, but hasn't been checked.


edleeks87 commented 10 months ago

I'll discuss this with @harpalsingh and @ljemmo next week as we may need to have a re-think on how tables with rounded corners work given the complexity/ configurability of the component

edleeks87 commented 10 months ago
