SagerNet / sing-box

The universal proxy platform
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[Feature Request] Wireguard Inbound #1580

Open hiddify-com opened 3 months ago

hiddify-com commented 3 months ago

It would be great if you can add Wireguard inbound which is useful to be used as transparent proxy in Mikrotik.

I have tried to add Wireguard inbound but i was stocked in its implementation. I've seen that in your code you have implemented most of the functionality for wireguard Inbound.


Palatis commented 2 months ago

just create a wireguard interface with the wg script, and re-route the traffic to your tunnel.

andy72630 commented 1 month ago


AFAIK , Mikrotik natively supports wireguard itself. if you want to initiate a connection from your Mikrotik to the proxy server despite of using Wireguard directly . you may consider using Container.

syk6666 commented 1 month ago

[功能请求] Wireguard 入站 这个很有用 希望能有