SagerNet / sing-box

The universal proxy platform
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Route request to direct outband if request ip match server public ip #1792

Closed AkramiPro closed 4 weeks ago

AkramiPro commented 1 month ago

Operating system


System version

Linux s04 6.8.10-x64v3-xanmod1 #0~20240517.g2e7da9e SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri May 17 18:21:06 UTC x86_64 GNU/Linux

Installation type

Original sing-box Command Line

If you are using a graphical client, please provide the version of the client.

No response


sing-box version 1.9.0-rc.22

Environment: go1.22.3 linux/amd64
Tags: with_gvisor,with_quic,with_dhcp,with_wireguard,with_ech,with_utls,with_reality_server,with_acme,with_clash_api
Revision: a89107ea9dc9863acfdf8e5a560e8d26332a8fdf
CGO: disabled


my server ip is i run socks5 on in my server i use warp to handle all request

the problem is i can not access my server through the socks connection i have a service on port 9595 that want to access i can access without proxy but not work when use socks5 proxy

the issue is in server config must use direct outbound if request ip is match server public ip address.

i try to use ip_is_private in routing rules but i think it just not works for detect server public ip.

i know that i can do it manually by set my server public ip in routing rules but i have many servers and the server ip may change and i was hoping that maybe you can add option to detect if the request ip is match server public ip so we can route this requests to direct outbound automatically.


  1. set default outband anything rather than direct.
  2. try to access server other ports using server public ip through sing-box
curl  --socks5-hostname 
curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
  "log": {
    "disabled": false
  "dns": {
    "strategy": "ipv4_only",
    "disable_cache": false,
    "independent_cache": true,
    "servers": [
        "address": "tcp://",
        "detour": "direct",
        "tag": "dns-local"
        "address": "rcode://success",
        "tag": "dns-block"
  "inbounds": [
      "type": "socks",
      "tag": "socks-in",
      "listen": "",
      "listen_port": 1080,
      "tcp_fast_open": false,
      "udp_fragment": false
  "outbounds": [
      "type": "direct",
      "tag": "proxy",
      "bind_interface": "wg01",
      "tcp_fast_open": false
      "type": "direct",
      "tag": "direct",
      "tcp_fast_open": false
      "type": "block",
      "tag": "block"
      "tag": "dns-out",
      "type": "dns"
  "experimental": {
    "cache_file": {
      "enabled": true,
      "path": "/root/sing-box-cache-01.db"
  "route": {
    "auto_detect_interface": true,
    "rule_set": [
        "tag": "geosite-private",
        "type": "remote",
        "format": "binary",
        "url": "",
        "download_detour": "direct"
    "rules": [
        "type": "logical",
        "mode": "or",
        "rules": [
            "protocol": "dns"
            "port": 53
        "outbound": "dns-out"
        "protocol": "quic",
        "outbound": "block"
        "ip_is_private": true,
        "outbound": "direct"
        "rule_set": "geosite-private"
        "outbound": "direct"


No response


Integrity requirements

dyhkwong commented 4 weeks ago

sing-box can't magically be aware of your server's public ip especially some servers are behind nat.

AkramiPro commented 4 weeks ago

sing-box can't magically be aware of your server's public ip especially some servers are behind nat.

i think you can use curl to get the server public ip you can add this like ip_is_private so we can use ip_is_server_public