SagerNet / sing-box

The universal proxy platform
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inconsistencies in configuring host header between httpupgrade and websocket #1841

Closed mmmray closed 2 weeks ago

mmmray commented 2 weeks ago

Operating system

Ubuntu 22

System version

Ubuntu 22

Installation type

Original sing-box Command Line

If you are using a graphical client, please provide the version of the client.

No response


`make build` on dev-next

$ ./sing-box version
sing-box version 1.10.0-alpha.7

Environment: go1.22.4 linux/amd64
Tags: with_gvisor,with_dhcp,with_wireguard,with_reality_server,with_clash_api,with_quic,with_utls,with_ech
Revision: 86b00ea90397e67c0c7f1f6611b70ee6aaf663cf
CGO: enabled


I suggest to make the behavior consistent across transports, or maybe even consistent with xray. It could be considered intended behavior, but it feels like a footgun.

it seems some GUI authors got confused by this, and as a result their host setting for httpupgrade does not work, as it produces config for httpupgrade like {"headers": {"host": ""}}. this was probably copypasted from their code for websocket.

credit goes to @mikeesierrah for discovering and debugging


  "inbounds": [
      "type": "mixed",
      "tag": "mixed-in",
      "listen": "::",
      "listen_port": 2080,
      "sniff": true
  "outbounds": [
      "type": "vless",
      "tag": "proxy",
      "server": "",
      "server_port": 8080,
      "uuid": "xxx",
      "transport": {
        "type": "httpupgrade",
        "headers": {"Host": ""},
        "path": "/asdasdasd"
      "packet_encoding": ""

it is not necessary to provide a server config, as the issue is purely within the request headers. the above config can be launched with ./sing-box run -c config.json as-is, and curl -x socks5h:// will trigger the handshake.

Then, wireshark can be used to observe the result:


Host: is expected instead of speedtest. It can be fixed by changing "headers": {"Host": ...} to "host": ...


there are no crashes


Integrity requirements

nekohasekai commented 2 weeks ago

If people who call themselves developers cannot do basic things like generate different json for different transports, then we will not provide any support.

mmmray commented 2 weeks ago

I feel that the experience for direct core users is also affected. Fixing this will not just help GUI, it will help everyone.

In general, sing-box seems to have much cleaner config format than other cores. But somehow this inconsistency is OK?

Nobody is asking for free work to support Hiddify here, that's why PR was filed.