SagerNet / sing-box

The universal proxy platform
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Docker container ARM 32bit support #2071

Closed wetfloo closed 2 months ago

wetfloo commented 3 months ago

Hi, would it be possible to add 32-bit support for a docker container workflow? It seems as simple as just adding an architecture to the workflow file. This would, for example, allow for running sing-box containerized on older mikrotik routers

MemesPwr commented 2 months ago

I have builded docker image by myself for my hAP ac3 which is running on 7.16rc4 at this moment:

  1. Clone this repo (i am do this to ~/src, but it's don't really matter)
    $ git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Navigate to repo directory
    $ cd sing-box/
  3. Build an image using docker
    $ docker buildx build -t sing-box-armv7 --no-cache --platform linux/arm/v7 .
  4. Export our image to .tar archive
    $ docker save sing-box-armv7 -o singbox-armv7-img.tar

then just upload it to your router. i have uploaded directly to my usb which is mounted on my router and use our singbox-armv7-img.tar file instead remote image

it should looks like this in winbox: winbox64_2024-09-04_14-52-37 image

you also need to set mount point ("Mounts" property on screenshot above)

hope this can help you to run sing-box on your mikrotik

nekohasekai commented 2 months ago