good day, please tell me, can I use my miniPC with Linux + singbox as a DNS server for my local network?
I want it to respond with its IP, replacing DNS responses, and then route blocked resources to my remote vless server
I want to get rid of the need to set up my miniPC as a gateway for clients on the network, I want to set it up as a DNS and route traffic based on it.
Here is my current configuration
Can I use my miniPC with Linux + singbox as a DNS server for my local network?
A: yes, you can. but your configuration has something wrong. you can find manual here:
good day, please tell me, can I use my miniPC with Linux + singbox as a DNS server for my local network? I want it to respond with its IP, replacing DNS responses, and then route blocked resources to my remote vless server I want to get rid of the need to set up my miniPC as a gateway for clients on the network, I want to set it up as a DNS and route traffic based on it. Here is my current configuration
{ "log": { "level": "debug" }, "dns": { "servers": [ { "tag": "local-dns", "address": "local", "detour": "direct-out" }, { "tag": "cloudflare-dns", "address": "tls://", "address_resolver": "local-dns", "detour": "xray-out" } ], "rules": [ { "outbound": "any", "server": "local-dns" }, { "rule_set": "antizapret", "server": "cloudflare-dns" } ] }, "inbounds": [ { "type": "mixed", "tag": "mixed-in", "listen": "", "listen_port": 1080, "set_system_proxy": false, "sniff": true, "domain_strategy": "prefer_ipv4" }, { "type": "tun", "tag": "tun-in", "inet4_address": "", "stack": "gvisor", "mtu": 9000, "auto_route": true, "strict_route": false, "endpoint_independent_nat": false, "sniff": true, "sniff_override_destination": true } ], "outbounds": [ { "type": "direct", "tag": "direct-out" }, { "type": "vless", "tag": "xray-out", "server": "", "server_port": 443, "uuid": "3428e19b-d622-4958-a0ca-d89e834c4162", "flow": "xtls-rprx-vision", "network": "tcp", "tls": { "enabled": true, "server_name": "", "reality": { "enabled": true, "public_key": "k1NbLDSAXJdSXTuQGQy62zewqw10Mz0taHX1GolSSX8", "short_id": "c8416f51" }, "utls": { "enabled": true, "fingerprint": "chrome" } }, "packet_encoding": "", "multiplex": {}, "transport": {} }, { "type": "dns", "tag": "dns-out" } ], "route": { "geosite": { "path": "geosite.db", "download_url": "", "download_detour": "direct-out" }, "geoip": { "path": "geoip.db", "download_url": "", "download_detour": "direct-out" }, "rules": [ { "domain_suffix": "", "outbound": "xray-out" }, { "domain_suffix": "", "outbound": "xray-out" }, { "domain_suffix": "", "outbound": "xray-out" }, { "geosite": [ "instagram", "youtube", "facebook", "twitter" ], "outbound": "xray-out" }, { "rule_set": "antizapret", "outbound": "xray-out" }, { "outbound": "direct-out" } ], "rule_set": [ { "type": "remote", "tag": "antizapret", "format": "binary", "url": "", "download_detour": "xray-out" } ], "auto_detect_interface": true }, "experimental": { "cache_file": { "enabled": true } } }