Saghen / blink.cmp

Performant, batteries-included completion plugin for Neovim
MIT License
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Feature request: add an option to ignore {,re}trigger characters for signatureHelp #89

Open griwes opened 2 hours ago

griwes commented 2 hours ago

Currently, the plugin only invokes textDocument/signatureHelp when at a trigger character (or at retrigger if already active). This is fine when initially typing a function call, but if you need to edit the middle of an argument, signature help will not trigger, and that would often be helpful.

Therefore - can we get an option to ignore the server provided trigger characters and always trigger signatureHelp on InsertEnter, CursorMovedI, and TextChangedI? This could be worked around with some autocmds, but it'd be much more elegant to do in the plugin itself.

griwes commented 2 hours ago

Hmm, actually, autocmd InsertEnter * lua require('blink.cmp.trigger.signature').show() works, because the plugin currently keeps the context around until you exit insert mode, it seems - but I doubt that this behavior is expected / stable?