Sagnac / ChaoticStrangeAttractors.jl

Visualization of strange attractors in chaos theory.
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Closing the window without pausing first causes the previous lines to show on the next `attract!()` call. #1

Closed Sagnac closed 4 months ago

Sagnac commented 4 months ago

There seems to be a bug where the previous lines will stay drawn on the next figure if the window is closed without pausing first. I never noticed this before, so I'm unsure if it's due to updating Julia or GLMakie. In any case, I'm making note of it here so I don't forget.

A simple attract!() call and quick close should make the issue apparent on the next attract!() call. Since no object is being passed and everything should be created from scratch this shouldn't happen. Also, if you bind a variable to the return object and bring up the attractor figure these ghost lines will be cleared on the figure.

Sagnac commented 4 months ago

This apparently has something to do with GLMakie.Screen() as calling display without it seems to fix the issue. I tested using the last known working version of GLMakie and the bug was still there, so this is likely an issue with Julia 1.10 since I don't remember this being a problem last time I worked on this. I've not tested a dev version of 1.11, so no idea if this persists with that.

Something must have changed with the way Julia handles these new screen calls as it now redraws some of the previous data; maybe something isn't being flushed properly. Rendering is fine if the same screen is used throughout; for now I guess I can do that, but that removes the ability to run multiple separate attractors simultaneously in different windows. I think I'll wait until 1.11 is released and if the issue is still there I'll just go single screen.

Sagnac commented 4 months ago

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