Sahil2004 / NNSmith

This is an NNSmith Implementation at a smaller scale
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Implementation of Testing Compiler Model #5

Open Sahil2004 opened 1 month ago

Sahil2004 commented 1 month ago


We need to implement a testing framework for the TensorFlow XLA (Accelerated Linear Algebra) compiler model. This framework should comprehensively test the XLA compiler, ensuring it correctly compiles TensorFlow models, optimizes performance, and maintains compatibility across different environments. The primary objectives are to verify the correctness, performance, and robustness of the XLA compiler.


  1. Test Suite Development:

    • Develop a comprehensive suite of tests to cover various aspects of the XLA compiler.
    • Include tests for different types of TensorFlow models and operations.
  2. Correctness Testing:

    • Implement tests to verify the correctness of the compiled models.
    • Ensure that the outputs of the compiled models match the expected outputs.
  3. Performance Testing:

    • Develop tests to measure the performance of the XLA-compiled models.
    • Compare the performance with non-compiled TensorFlow models and other compilers.
  4. Compatibility Testing:

    • Ensure the XLA compiler is compatible with different hardware and software environments.
    • Test on various platforms, including CPUs, GPUs, and TPUs.
  5. Edge Case Handling:

    • Implement tests for edge cases and uncommon scenarios.
    • Ensure the XLA compiler handles these cases gracefully without errors or significant performance degradation.


  1. Test Suite Development

    • [ ] Develop a comprehensive test suite for the XLA compiler.
    • [ ] Include tests for different TensorFlow models and operations.
    • [ ] Ensure coverage of all key features of the XLA compiler.
  2. Correctness Testing

    • [ ] Implement tests to verify the correctness of XLA-compiled models.
    • [ ] Compare outputs of compiled models with expected results.
    • [ ] Handle discrepancies and ensure accuracy.
  3. Performance Testing

    • [ ] Develop tests to measure the performance of XLA-compiled models.
    • [ ] Benchmark against non-compiled TensorFlow models.
    • [ ] Include tests for different optimization levels and configurations.
  4. Compatibility Testing

    • [ ] Ensure the XLA compiler works across various hardware and software environments.
    • [ ] Test on different platforms, including CPUs, GPUs, and TPUs.
    • [ ] Address compatibility issues and document findings.
  5. Edge Case Handling

    • [ ] Implement tests for edge cases and uncommon scenarios.
    • [ ] Ensure the XLA compiler handles these cases correctly.
    • [ ] Document any limitations or known issues.

Additional Information


Please comment if you have any suggestions or questions regarding this implementation plan.

HAYAT1686 commented 1 month ago

i wanna take up this

Sahil2004 commented 1 month ago

i wanna take up this

Alright. You are assigned this issue. Looking forward to a PR asap following all the guidelines :)