Closed SaintAngeLs closed 10 months ago
I would like to request the help with this: The request directed to the parcels service is going as it should:
└─$ curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5007/parcels' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "Description": "TestYYYYYYYY", "Width": 0.05, "Height": 0.05, "Depth": 0.05, "Weight": 0.5, "SourceStreet": "Plac politechniki", "SourceBuildingNumber": "1", "SourceApartmentNumber": "", "SourceCity": "Warszawa", "SourceZipCode": "00-420", "SourceCountry": "Polska", "DestinationStreet": "Koszykowa", "DestinationBuildingNumber": "21", "DestinationApartmentNumber": "37", "DestinationCity": "Warszawa", "DestinationZipCode": "00-420", "DestinationCountry": "Polska", "Priority": "Low", "AtWeekend": true, "PickupDate": "2023-12-22T00:00:00.000Z", "DeliveryDate": "2023-12-29T00:00:00.000Z", "IsCompany": false, "VipPackage": false }'
The same request sent from axious is not going as it should.
Request payload: { "Description": "AAAATest", "Width": 0.05, "Height": 0.05, "Depth": 0.05, "Weight": 0.5, "SourceStreet": "Plac politechniki", "SourceBuildingNumber": "1", "SourceApartmentNumber": "", "SourceCity": "Warszawa", "SourceZipCode": "00-420", "SourceCountry": "Polska", "DestinationStreet": "Koszykowa", "DestinationBuildingNumber": "21", "DestinationApartmentNumber": "37", "DestinationCity": "Warszawa", "DestinationZipCode": "00-420", "DestinationCountry": "Polska", "Priority": "Low", "AtWeekend": true, "PickupDate": "2023-12-22T00:00:00.000Z", "DeliveryDate": "2023-12-29T00:00:00.000Z", "IsCompany": false, "VipPackage": false }
the routing should be correct:
[23:45:28 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 OPTIONS http://localhost:5292/parcels - - - 204 - - 0.7591ms [23:45:28 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 POST http://localhost:5292/parcels application/json 583 [23:45:28 INF] CORS policy execution successful. [23:45:28 INF] Executing endpoint 'parcels HTTP: POST' [23:45:28 INF] Sending HTTP POST request to: http://localhost:5007/parcels [Trace ID: 0HN040TE53VOD:00000004] [23:45:28 INF] Start processing HTTP request POST http://localhost:5007/parcels [23:45:28 INF] Sending HTTP request POST http://localhost:5007/parcels [23:45:28 INF] Received HTTP response headers after 145.6212ms - 400 [23:45:28 INF] End processing HTTP request after 146.2642ms - 400 [23:45:28 INF] Received an invalid response (BadRequest) to HTTP POST request from: parcels-service/parcels [Trace ID: 0HN040TE53VOD:00000004] [23:45:28 INF] Executed endpoint 'parcels HTTP: POST' [23:45:28 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 POST http://localhost:5292/parcels application/json 583 - 400 - - 158.4659ms
This issue was resolved, by updating the ntrada configuration file to use the direct link to the service with no use of the fabio and the resolution was followed by updating the axios requuest.
I would like to request the help with this: The request directed to the parcels service is going as it should:
The same request sent from axious is not going as it should.
the routing should be correct: